ASTM D4683 for measuring viscosity at high shear rate and high temperature
ASTM D4683 standard test method for measuring viscosity at high shear rate and high temperature by tapered bearing simulator
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A motor drives a tapered rotor that is closely fitted inside a matched stator. The rotor exhibits a reactive torque response when it encounters a viscous resistance from an oil that fills the gap between the rotor and stator. Two oils, a calibration oil and a non-Newtonian reference oil, are used to determine the gap distance between the rotor and stator so that a shear rate of 1 x 10(6) s(-1) is maintained. Additional calibration oils are used to establish the viscosity/torque relationship which is required for the determination of the apparent viscosity of test oils at 150°C.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Viscosity at the shear rate and temperature of this test method is thought to be representative of the condition encountered in the bearings of automotive engines in severe service.
5.2 The importance of viscosity at these conditions to engine lubrication has been addressed in many publications.