ASTM D4529 Test Method for Estimation of Net Heat of Combustion of Aviation Fuels
3. Summary of Test Method
3.1 The aniline point, density, and sulfur content of the sample are determined by experimental test methods and the net heat of combustion is calculated using the values obtained by these test methods based on reported correlations.

4. Significance and Use
4.1 This test method is intended for use as a guide in cases where an experimental determination of heat of combustion is not available and cannot be made conveniently, and where an estimate is considered satisfactory. It is not intended as a substitute for experimental measurements of heat of combustion (Note 3).

NOTE 3 - The procedures for the experimental determination of the gross and net heats of combustion are described in Test Methods D240, D2382, and D4809.

4.2 The net heat of combustion is a factor in the performance of all aviation fuels. Because the exhaust of aircraft engines contains uncondensed water vapors, the energy released by fuel in vaporizing water cannot be recovered and must be subtracted from gross heat of combustion determinations to calculate net heat of combustion. For high performance weight-limited aircraft, the net heat of combustion per unit mass and the mass of fuel loaded determine the total safe range. The proper operation of the aircraft engine also requires a certain minimum net energy of combustion per unit volume of fuel delivered.

4.3 Because the heat of combustion of hydrocarbon fuel-mixtures are slowly varying functions of the physical properties of the mixtures, the heat of combustion of the mixtures can often be estimated with adequate accuracy from simple field tests of density and aniline point temperature, without the elaborate apparatus needed for calorimetry.

4.4 The empirical quadratic equation for the net heat of combustion of a sulfur-free fuel was derived by the method of least squares from accurate measurements on fuels, most of which conformed to specifications for fuels found in Note 1 and were chosen to cover a range of values of properties. Those fuels not meeting specifications were chosen to extend the range of densities and aniline-point temperatures above and below the specification limits to avoid end effects. The sulfur correction was found by a simultaneous least-squares regression analysis of sulfur-containing fuels among those tested.