ASTM D4485 standard specification for performance of engine oils
4. Performance Classification
4.1 Automotive engine oils are classified in three general arrangements, as defined in 3.2; that is, S, C, and Energy Conserving. These arrangements are further divided into categories with performance measured as follows:
4.1.1 SH - Oil meeting the performance requirements measured in the following gasoline engine tests and bench tests: Test Method D5844, the Sequence IID gasoline engine test, has been correlated with vehicles used in short-trip service prior to 1978, particularly with regard to rusting. (An alternative is Test Method D6557, the Ball Rust Test.) Test Method D5533, the Sequence IIIE gasoline engine test, has been correlated with vehicles used in high-temperature service prior to 1988, particularly with regard to oil thickening and valve train wear. (Alternatives are Test Method D6984, the Sequence IIIF test, or Test Method D7320, the Sequence IIIG test.) Test Method D5302, the Sequence VE gasoline engine test, has been correlated with vehicles used in stop-and-go service prior to 1988, particularly with regard to sludge and valve train wear. (An alternative is the combination of Test Method D6593, the Sequence VG test, and Test Method D6891, the Sequence IVA test.) Test Method D5119, the L-38 gasoline engine test, is used to measure copper-lead bearing weight loss under high-temperature operating conditions. (An alternative is Test Method D6709, the Sequence VIII test.)
(1) Test Method D5119 (or Test Method D6709) is also used to determine the ability of an oil to resist permanent viscosity loss due to shearing in an engine. In addition to passing performance in the engine tests, specific viscosity grades shall also meet bench test requirements (see Table 2), which are discussed in the following subsections:
(1) The volatility of engine oils relates to engine oil consumption.

(2) Test Method D6795, the Engine Oil Filterability Test (EOFT) screens for the formation of precipitates that can cause oil filter plugging.

(3) Phosphorus compounds can cause glazing of automotive catalysts and exhaust gas oxygen sensors and, thereby, deactivate them. Control of the phosphorus level in the engine oil may reduce this tendency.

(4) The flash point can indicate if residual solvents and low-boiling fractions remain in the finished oil.

(5) Foaming in engine oil can cause valve lifter collapse and a loss of lubrication due to the presence of air in the oil. Test Methods D892 and D6082 empirically rate the foaming tendency and stability of oils.

(6) Test Method D6922, the H and M Test indicates the compatibility of an oil with standard test oils. Licensing of the API SH category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements in this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification. (See Appendix X3 for more information.)

4.1.2 SJ - Oil meeting the performance requirements measured in the following gasoline engine tests and bench tests: Test Method D5844, the Sequence IID, gasoline engine test has been correlated with vehicles used in short-trip service prior to 1978, particularly with regard to rusting. (An alternative is Test Method D6557, the Ball Rust Test.) Test Method D5533, the Sequence IIIE gasoline engine test, has been correlated with vehicles used in high-temperature service prior to 1988, particularly with regard to oil thickening and valve train wear. (Alternatives are Test Method D6984, the Sequence IIIF test, or Test Method D7320, the Sequence IIIG test.) Test Method D5302, the Sequence VE gasoline engine test, has been correlated with vehicles used in stop-and-go service prior to 1988, particularly with regard to sludge and valve train wear. (An alternative is the combination of Test Method D6593, the Sequence VG test, and Test Method D6891, the Sequence IVA test.) Test Method D5119, the L-38 gasoline engine test, is used to measure copper-lead bearing weight loss under high-temperature operating conditions. (An alternative is Test Method D6709, the Sequence VIII test.)
(1) Test Method D5119 (or Test Method D6709) is also used to determine the ability of an oil to resist permanent viscosity loss due to shearing in an engine. In addition to passing performance in the engine tests, specific viscosity grades shall also meet bench test requirements (see Table 2), which are discussed in the following subsections:
(1) The volatility of engine oils is one of several factors that relates to engine oil consumption.

(2) Test Method D6795, the EOFT screens for the formation of precipitates and gels that form in the presence of water and can cause oil filter plugging.

(3) Phosphorus compounds in excessive amounts can cause glazing of automotive catalysts and exhaust gas oxygen sensors and, thereby, deactivate them. Control of the phosphorus level in the engine oil may reduce this tendency.

(4) The flash point may indicate if residual solvents and low-boiling fractions remain in the finished oil.

(5) Excessive foaming in engine oil can cause valve lifter collapse and a loss of lubrication due to the presence of air in the oil. Test Methods D892 and D6082 empirically rate the foaming tendency and stability of oils.

(6) Test Method D6922, the H and M Test indicates the compatibility of an oil with standard test oils.

(7) Newer engines designed to provide increased power and improved driveability and to meet future federal emissions and fuel economy requirements may be sensitive to internal deposits caused by elevated engine operating temperatures. Test Method D6335, the TEOST test, may be useful in determining the deposit control of oils recommended for these engines.

(8) Test Method D5133, the Gelation Index technique, might identify oils susceptible to air binding and might provide low temperature protection not adequately measured by the Test Method D4684. Licensing of the API SJ category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements in this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

4.1.3 SL - Oil meeting the performance requirements measured in the following gasoline engine tests and bench tests: Test Method D6984, the Sequence IIIF gasoline engine test, is used to measure oil thickening and piston deposits under high temperature conditions and provides information about valve train wear. (An alternative is Test Method D7320, the Sequence IIIG test.) Test Method D6891, the Sequence IVA gasoline engine test, has been correlated with the Sequence VE gasoline engine test in terms of overhead cam and slider follower wear control. Test Method D5302, the Sequence VE gasoline engine test, has been correlated with vehicles used in stop-and-go service prior to 1988, with regard to valve train wear. It is included in the SL performance specification to augment assessment of the wear control performance of oils containing less than 0.08 % mass of phosphorus from ZDDP additive.

NOTE 1 - Prior to May 2004, the API SH, SJ, and SL categories required that oils with passing Test Method D6984 (Sequence IIIF) results, and containing less than 0.08 % mass phosphorus in the form of ZDDP, also demonstrate passing performance in Test Method D5302 (Sequence VE). This requirement was included to address concerns over adequate wear protection with low levels of ZDDP. However, Test Method D5302 has not been available to industry for some time, and an alternative method was needed. In a related activity, the next level of gasoline engine oil performance, the ILSAC GF-4 standard, was developed outside the normal ASTM consensus process. Deliberations during the GF-4 development process included careful consideration of the suitability of Test Method D7320, the Sequence IIIG, a new test, to evaluate the wear protection of oils with less than 0.08 % phosphorus. Data on oils with less than 0.08 % mass phosphorus in the form of ZDDP were reviewed by members of the D02.B0 Passenger Car Engine Oil Classification Panel (PCEOCP). These data were from Test Method D7320 (Sequence IIIG) tests and from field tests on large populations of older vehicles with different engine types. Based on these data, the PCEOCP recommended a ballot to allow the use of Test Method D7320 (Sequence IIIG) as an alternative to Test Method D6984 (Sequence IIIF) plus Test Method D5302 (Sequence VE) for demonstration of acceptable API SH, SJ, and SL performance on low phosphorus oils, establishing at least 0.06 % phosphorus as the minimum level. That ballot was approved by Subcommittee D02.B0 in May 2004. Test Method D6593, the Sequence VG gasoline engine test, has been correlated with the Sequence VE gasoline engine test and with vehicles used in stop-and-go service prior to 2000, with regard to sludge and varnish deposit control. Test Method D6709, the Sequence VIII gasoline engine test, is used to measure copper-lead bearing weight loss under high-temperature operating conditions and has been shown to correlate with the L-38 gasoline engine test.
(1) The Sequence VIII gasoline engine test is also used to determine the ability of an oil to resist permanent viscosity loss due to shearing in an engine. In addition to passing performance in the engine tests, oils shall also meet bench test requirements (see Table 2), which are discussed in the following subsections:
(1) Test Method D6557 (Ball Rust Test), was developed to replace the Sequence IID gasoline engine test, and evaluates the ability of an oil to prevent the formation of rust under short-trip service conditions.

(2) The volatility of engine oils is one of several factors that relates to engine oil consumption. For this engine oil category, volatility is measured by Test Methods D5800 and D6417.

(3) Test Method D6795, the Engine Oil Filterability Test (EOFT) and Test Method D6794, the Engine Oil Water Tolerance Test (EOWTT) screen for the formation of precipitates and gels which form in the presence of water and can cause oil filter plugging.

(4) Phosphorus compounds in excessive amounts can cause glazing of automotive catalysts and exhaust gas oxygen sensors and, thereby, deactivate them. Control of the phosphorus level in the engine oil may reduce this tendency. For this engine oil category, phosphorus content is measured by either Test Method D4951 or D5185.

(5) Excessive foaming in engine oil can cause valve lifter collapse and a loss of lubrication due to the presence of air in the oil. Test Methods D892 and D6082 empirically rate the foaming tendency and stability of oils.

(6) Test Method D6922, the H and M Test indicates the compatibility of an oil with standard test oils.

(7) Newer engines designed to provide increased power and improved driveability and to meet future federal emissions and fuel economy requirements may be sensitive to internal deposits caused by elevated engine operating temperatures. Test Method D7097, the TEOST MHT-4 test may be useful in determining the piston deposit control capability of oils recommended for these engines.

(8) Test Method D5133, the Gelation Index technique, might identify oils susceptible to air binding and might provide low-temperature protection not adequately measured by Test Method D4684. Licensing of the API SL category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements in this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

4.1.4 CF-4 - Oil meeting the performance requirements in the following diesel and gasoline engine tests and bench test: Test Method D6750, the 1K diesel engine test, has been correlated with vehicles equipped with engines used in high-speed operation prior to 1989, particularly with regard to deposits and oil consumption. The T-6 has been correlated with vehicles equipped with engines used in high-speed operation prior to 1980, particularly with regard to deposits, oil consumption, and ring wear. (An alternative is Test Method D6987/D6987M, the T-10 diesel engine test. See The T-7 test has been correlated with vehicles equipped with engines operated largely under lugging conditions prior to 1984, particularly with regard to oil thickening. Test Method D5968, the bench corrosion test, has been shown to predict corrosion of engine oil-lubricated copper, lead, or tin-containing components used in diesel engines. Test Method D5290, the NTC-400 diesel engine test, has been correlated with vehicles equipped with engines in highway operation prior to 1983, particularly with regard to oil consumption control, deposits, and wear. Test Method D5290 is not listed in Table 3, as calibrated test stands are no longer available due to unavailability of critical test parts. It has been demonstrated that the 1K test, in combination with Test Method D5968, can be substituted for the NTC-400 test as an acceptable means to demonstrate performance against this category; however, data from NTC-400 tests, run in calibrated stands, can be used to support this category in accordance with the provisions of Specification D4485-94. Test Method D6709, the Sequence VIII gasoline engine test, is used to measure copper-lead bearing weight loss under high temperature operating conditions and has been shown to correlate with the L-38 gasoline engine test.

4.1.5 CF - Oil meeting the performance requirements in the following diesel and gasoline engine tests: Test Method D6618, the 1M-PC diesel engine test, has been shown to provide correlation with engine oil performance when used in naturally aspirated, turbocharged, or supercharged indirect injection engines. Test Method D6709, the Sequence VIII gasoline engine test, is used to measure copper-lead bearing weight loss under high temperature operating conditions and has been shown to correlate with the L-38 gasoline engine test. Licensing of the API CF category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements of this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

4.1.6 CF-2 - Oil meeting the performance requirements in the following diesel and gasoline engine tests: Test Method D6618, the 1M-PC diesel engine test, has been shown to provide correlation with engine oil performance when used in naturally aspirated, turbocharged, or supercharged indirect injection engines, with modified piston deposit rating methodology to relate to effective piston and ring groove deposit control for two-stroke cycle diesel engines. Test Method D5862, the 6V92TA diesel engine test, has been correlated with two-stroke cycle diesel engines in heavy-duty service, particularly with regard to ring face distress and liner scuffing. Test Method D6709, the Sequence VIII gasoline engine test, is used to measure copper-lead bearing weight loss under high temperature operating conditions and has been shown to correlate with the L-38 gasoline engine test. Licensing of the API CF-2 category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements of this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

4.1.7 CG-4 - Oil meeting the performance requirements in the following diesel and gasoline engine tests and bench tests: Test Method D6750, the 1N diesel engine test, has been used to predict piston deposit formation in four-stroke cycle, direct injection, diesel engines that have been calibrated to meet 1994 U.S. federal exhaust emissions requirements for heavy-duty engines operated on fuel containing less than 0.05 % weight sulfur. Test Method D5967, the T-8 diesel engine test, has been shown to generate soot-related oil thickening in a manner similar to 1992 emission-controlled heavy-duty diesel engines using mechanical injection control systems. Test Method D6984, the Sequence IIIF test, is used to measure bulk oil viscosity increase, which indicates an oil's ability to withstand the higher temperatures found in modern diesel engines. (An alternative is Test Method D7320, the Sequence IIIG test.) Test Method D6709, the Sequence VIII gasoline engine test, is used to measure copper-lead bearing weight loss under high temperature operating conditions and has been shown to correlate with the L-38 gasoline engine test. Test Method D5966, the roller follower wear test (RFWT), has been correlated with hydraulic roller cam follower pin wear in medium-duty indirect injection diesel engines used in broadly based field operations. Test Method D6894, the Engine Oil Aeration Test (EOAT) has been correlated with oil aeration in diesel engines equipped with hydraulically actuated electronically controlled unit injectors (HEUI) used in medium duty service. Test Method D892, a foaming test, Sequences I, II, and III, has been shown to predict foaming of engine oils in diesel engines. Test Method D5968, a bench corrosion test, has been shown to predict corrosion of engine oil-lubricated copper, lead, or tin-containing components used in diesel engines. Licensing of the API CG-4 category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements of this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

4.1.8 CH-4 - Oil meeting the performance requirements measured in the following diesel and gasoline engine tests and bench tests. Test Method D6750, the 1K diesel engine test, has been correlated with vehicles equipped with engines used in high speed operation prior to 1989, particularly with respect to aluminum piston deposits and oil consumption when fuel sulfur content is nominally 0.4 % by weight. Test Method D6681, the 1P diesel engine test, has been used to predict iron piston deposit formation and oil consumption in four-stroke-cycle, direct injection, diesel engines that have been calibrated to meet 1998 U.S. federal exhaust emissions requirements for heavy duty engines operated on fuel containing less the 0.05 % by weight sulfur. Test Method D6483, the T-9 diesel engine test, has been correlated with vehicles equipped with engines used in high speed operation prior to 1998, particularly in regard to ring and liner wear and used oil lead content. (Alternatives are Test Method D6987/D6987M, the T-10 diesel engine test - see, and Test Method D7422, the T-12 diesel engine test - see Test Method D5967 extended, the T-8E engine test, has been shown to generate soot-related oil thickening in a manner similar to 1998 emissions-controlled heavy duty diesel engines using electronic injection control systems. Test Method D6838, The M11 High Soot diesel engine test has been correlated with vehicles equipped with four-stroke-cycle diesel engines used in high speed operations prior to 1998, particularly with regard to soot related valve train wear, filter plugging, and sludge control. (An alternative is the Cummins ISM diesel engine test. See Test Method D5966, the Roller Follower Wear Test, has been correlated with hydraulic roller cam follower pin wear in medium-duty indirect injection diesel engines used in broadly based field operations. Test Method D6984, the Sequence IIIF test, is used to measure bulk oil viscosity increase, which indicates an oil's ability to withstand the higher temperatures found in modern diesel engines. (An alternative is Test Method D7320, the Sequence IIIG test.) Test Method D6894, the EOAT has been correlated with oil aeration in diesel engines equipped with HEUI used in medium-duty diesel engines. Test Method D892, a foaming test, Sequences I, II and III, has been shown to predict foaming of engine oils in diesel engines. Test Method D6594 operated at 135°C, a High Temperature Corrosion Bench Test (HTCBT), has been shown to predict the corrosion of engine oil-lubricated copper and lead containing components used in diesel engines. Test Method D6278, the Diesel Injector Shear Test, has been shown to correlate with permanent shear loss of engine oils in medium-duty direct injection diesel engines used in broadly based field operations. Test Method D5800, Noack Volatility or, alternatively, Test Method D6417, are used to measure engine oil volatility loss under high temperature operating conditions. Licensing of the API CH-4 category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements in this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

4.1.9 CI-4 - Oil meeting the performance requirements measured in the following diesel and gasoline engine tests and bench tests. Test Method D6923, the 1R single cylinder diesel engine test is used to measure engine oil performance with respect to piston deposits, oil consumption, piston and piston ring scuffing, and ring sticking using a two-piece iron/aluminum piston similar to that used in modern, production heavy-duty diesel engines. (An alternative is Test Method D6681, the 1P diesel engine test, see Test Method D6987/D6987M, the T-10 diesel engine test, is used to measure engine oil performance with respect to piston ring and cylinder liner wear, bearing lead corrosion, and oil consumption in an electronically governed, open chamber, in-line six-cylinder, four-stroke cycle, turbo-charged, compression-ignition engine with exhaust gas recirculation. (An alternative is Test Method D7422, the T-12 diesel engine test, see Test Method D6975, the M11 EGR heavy-duty diesel engine test, is used to evaluate oil performance with respect to valve train wear, sludge deposits, and oil filter plugging in an exhaust gas recirculation environment. (An alternative is the Cummins ISM diesel engine test. See Test Method D5967 extended, the T-8E engine test, has been shown to generate soot-related oil thickening in a manner similar to 1998 emissions-controlled heavy-duty diesel engines using electronic injection control systems. Test Method D6984, the Sequence IIIF gasoline engine test, is used to measure oil thickening under high temperature conditions in spark-ignition engines. (An alternative is Test Method D7320, the Sequence IIIG test.) Test Method D6750 (1K), the 1K diesel engine test, or, alternatively, Test Method D6750 (1N), the 1N diesel engine test, is used to evaluate performance in diesel engines equipped with aluminum pistons. The 1K test has been correlated with vehicles used in high speed operation prior to 1989, particularly with respect to aluminum piston deposits and oil consumption, when fuel sulfur content was nominally 0.4 % by weight. The 1N test has been used to predict aluminum piston deposit formation in four-stroke cycle, direct-injection, diesel engines that have been calibrated to meet 1994 U.S. federal exhaust emissions requirements for heavy-duty engines operated on fuel containing less than 0.05 % weight sulfur. Test Method D5966, the Roller Follower Wear Test, has been correlated with hydraulic roller cam follower pin wear in medium-duty indirect injection diesel engines used in broadly based field operations. Test Method D6894, the EOAT procedure, has been correlated with oil aeration in diesel engines equipped with HEUI used in medium-duty diesel engines. Test Method D4683, the High Temperature High Shear (HTHS) test is a part of the SAE J300 Viscosity Classification System. Test Method D4684 (MRV TP-1) has been shown to predict field failures resulting from poor low temperature pumpability. Test Method D5800, Noack Volatility, is used to measure engine oil volatility loss under high temperature operating conditions. Test Method D6594 operated at 135°C, a high temperature corrosion bench test (HTCBT), has been shown to predict corrosion of engine oil-lubricated copper and lead containing components used in diesel engines. Test Method D6278, a diesel injector shear test, has been shown to correlate with permanent shear loss of engine oils in medium-duty direct injection diesel engines used in broadly based field operations. Test Method D892, a foaming test, Sequences I, II, and III, has been shown to predict foaming of engine oils in diesel engines. Test Method D7216, the Elastomer Compatibility Test is used to measure the performance of four widely used elastomer compounds when exposed to diesel engine oils. Licensing of the API CI-4 category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements in this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

4.1.10 CJ-4 - Oil meeting the performance requirements measured in the following diesel and gasoline engine tests, and bench and chemical tests. Test Method D7156, the Mack T-11 diesel engine test has been shown to generate soot-related oil thickening in a manner similar to 2002 EGR emission-controlled heavy-duty engines with electronic injection control. This engine test uses 500 mg/kg (ppm) sulfur fuel. Test Method D7422, the Mack T-12 diesel engine test is used to measure engine oil performance with respect to piston ring and cylinder liner wear, bearing corrosion, and oil consumption, using an in-line six cylinder, four-stroke, direct injection, turbo-charged engine with exhaust gas recirculation at levels expected for 2007 emission control engines. This engine test uses ultra low (15 mg/kg (ppm)) sulfur fuel. The Caterpillar C13 Advanced Combustion Emission Reduction Technology (ACERT) is an in-line six-cylinder engine used to measure engine oil consumption and piston deposits. The engine is equipped with a single-piece forged steel piston used in emission controlled engines. This engine test uses ultra low (15 mg/kg (ppm)) sulfur fuel. The Cummins ISB diesel engine test is used to evaluate oil performance with respect to cam and tappet wear with high soot level in the engine oil. This is an in-line six cylinder turbo-charged engine with a common-rail fuel system for emission control. This engine test uses ultra low (15 mg/kg (ppm)) sulfur fuel. The Cummins ISM diesel engine test is used to evaluate oil performance with respect to valve train wear, sludge and oil filter plugging with a high soot level in the engine oil. This is an in-line six cylinder, turbo-charged engine with EGR for emission control. This engine test uses 500 mg/kg (ppm) sulfur fuel. Test Method D6750, the 1N diesel engine test, has been used to predict piston deposit formation in four-stroke cycle, direct injection, diesel engines that have been calibrated to meet 1994 U.S. federal exhaust emissions requirements for heavy-duty engines operated on fuel containing less than 0.05 % weight sulfur. Test Method D6984, the Sequence IIIF test, is used to measure bulk oil viscosity increase, which indicates an oil's ability to withstand the higher temperatures found in modern diesel engines. (An alternative is Test Method D7320, the Sequence IIIG test.) Test Method D5966, the roller follower wear test (RFWT), has been correlated with hydraulic roller cam follower pin wear in medium-duty indirect injection diesel engines used in broadly based field operations. Test Method D4684 (MRV TP-1) has been shown to predict field failures resulting from poor low temperature pumpability. Test Method D7109, a diesel injector shear test, has been shown to correlate with permanent shear loss of engine oils in medium-duty direct injection diesel engines used in broadly based field operations. Test Method D6594 operated at 135°C, a high temperature corrosion bench test (HTCBT), has been shown to predict corrosion of engine oil-lubricated copper and lead containing components used in diesel engines. Test Method D4683, the High Temperature High Shear (HTHS) test, is a part of the SAE J300 Viscosity Classification System. Test Method D892, a foaming test, Sequences I, II, and III, has been shown to predict foaming of engine oils in diesel engines. Test Method D7216, the Elastomer Compatibility Test, is used to measure the performance of four widely used elastomer compounds when exposed to diesel engine oils. Test Method D6894, the EOAT procedure, has been correlated with oil aeration in diesel engines equipped with HEUI used in medium-duty diesel engines. Licensing of the API CJ-4 category requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements in this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

4.1.11 Energy Conserving Associated With SJ - As defined by Test Method D6202 or Test Method D6837, oil meeting performance requirements in Table 4. Test Method D6202 has been correlated with the EPA FTP 75 vehicle test cycle using vehicles with engine types that represent a cross-section of engine technology circa 1996 in order that passing oils will demonstrate fuel economy benefits in consumer vehicle service. Test Method D6837 test has been correlated with the EPA FTP 75 vehicle test cycle using vehicles with engine types that represent a cross-section of current engine technology in order that passing oils will demonstrate fuel economy benefits in consumer vehicle service.

4.1.12 Energy Conserving Associated With SL - As defined by Test Method D6837, oil meeting performance requirements in Table 4.

NOTE 2 - Energy-conserving oils are also described in SAE J1423.

4.1.13 Licensing of the Energy Conserving category as defined by Test Method D6202 or as defined by Test Method D6837 requires that candidate oils meet the performance requirements in this specification, and that the oils be tested in accordance with the protocols described in the ACC Petroleum Additives Product Approval Code of Practice. The methodology detailed in the ACC Code will help ensure that an engine oil meets its intended performance specification.

5. Performance Requirements
5.1 The oils identified by the categories discussed in Section 4 shall conform to the requirements listed in Tables 2-4.

NOTE 3 - API has developed a symbol that can be licensed for use on containers of oils that conform to the requirements of one or more categories that are currently of commercial importance. API 1509 describes the symbol and licensing procedure.

NOTE 4 - In practice, engine oils are often labeled with service category designations having some combination of both S and C prefixes.

NOTE 5 - Intended service applications for the various categories described in 4.1.1-4.1.12 can be found in API 1509. Applicable sections of that publication have been included in Appendix X2.