ASTM D4418 Standard Practice for Receipt, Storage, and Handling of Fuels for Gas Turbines
4. Summary of Practice
4.1 The body of this practice defines the contaminants frequently found in turbine fuel oils and discusses the sources and significance of such contaminants.

4.2 Annex A1 is a guide for the receipt, storage, and handling of distillate gas turbine fuels, Grades 1-GT and 2-GT, in accordance with Specification D2880.

4.3 Annex A2 is a guide for the receipt, storage, and handling of gas turbine fuels, Grades 3-GT and 4-GT, that contain residual components.

4.4 Annex A3 is a guide for the selection and storage of fuels intended for long-term storage, when such fuels are distillate fuels.

4.5 Annex A4 is a guide for gas turbine users who are considering the use of fuels from alternative non-petroleum sources.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 This practice provides the user of gas turbine fuel oils and the designer of gas turbine fuel systems with an appreciation of the effects of fuel contaminants and general methods of controlling such contaminants in gas turbine fuel systems.

5.2 This practice is general in nature and should not be considered a substitute for any requirement imposed by warranty of the gas turbine manufacturer, or by federal, state, or local government regulations.

5.3 Although it cannot replace a knowledge of local conditions or the use of good engineering and scientific judgment, this practice does provide guidance in development of individual fuel management systems for the gas turbine user.