ASTM D4378 Standard Practice for In-Service Monitoring of Mineral Turbine Oils
ASTM D4378 Standard Practice for In-Service Monitoring of Mineral Turbine Oils for Steam and Gas Turbines
4. Properties of Turbine Oils
4.1 Most turbine oils consist of a highly refined paraffinic mineral oil compounded with oxidation and rust inhibitors. Depending upon the performance level desired, small amounts of other additives such as metal deactivators, pour depressants, extreme pressure additives, and foam suppressants can also be present.

4.2 New turbine oils should exhibit good resistance to oxidation, inhibit sludge formation, and provide adequate antirust, water separability, and nonfoaming properties. However, these oils cannot be expected to remain unchanged during their use in the lubrication systems of turbines, as lubricating oils experience thermal and oxidative stresses which degrade the chemical composition of the oil's basestock and gradually deplete the oil's additive package. Some deterioration can be tolerated without prejudice to the safety or efficiency of the system. Reinhibition may improve some properties of the oil. Good monitoring procedures are necessary to determine when the oil properties have changed sufficiently to justify scheduling corrective actions which can be performed with little or no detriment to production schedules.

5. Operational Factors Affecting Service Life
5.1 The factors that affect the service life of turbine lubricating oils are as follows: (1) type and design of system, (2) condition of system on startup, (3) original oil quality, (4) system operating conditions, (5) contamination, ( 6) oil makeup rate, and (7) handling and storage.
5.1.1 Type and Design of System - Most modern turbine lubricating systems are similar in design, especially for the larger units. For lubrication, the usual practice is to pressure-feed oil directly from the main oil pump. The rest of the system consists of a reservoir, oil cooler, strainer, piping and additional purification or filtration equipment, or a combination thereof. Miscellaneous control and indicating equipment completes the system. If there is an opportunity to participate in system design, it is recommended that appropriate practices be consulted (see Practice D4241 and Practice D4248), as well OEM guidelines and oil monitoring specifications.

5.1.2 Condition of System on Start-up: The individual components of a lubrication system are usually delivered on-site before the system is installed. The length of on-site storage and means taken to preserve the integrity of the intended oil wetted surfaces will determine the total amount of contamination introduced during this period, the magnitude of the task of cleaning and flushing prior to use, and the detrimental effects of the contaminants. Guidance on contamination control, flushing, and purification may be sought from the equipment supplier or other industry experts. Turbine oil system contamination prior to startup usually consists of preservatives, paint, rust particles, and the various solids encountered during construction, which can range from dust and dirt to rags, bottles, and cans. Their effect on turbine oil systems is obvious.

5.1.3 Original Oil Quality: Use of a high-quality oil is the best assurance of potentially long service life. Oils meeting recognized standards are generally available, and one that at least meets the requirements of the turbine manufacturer shall be used. Careful oil storage, including labeling and rotation of lubricant containers, is vital to ensure proper use and prevent degradation of the physical, chemical, and cleanliness requirements of the lubricant throughout storage and dispensing. It is advisable to obtain typical test data from the oil supplier. Upon receipt of the first oil charge, a sample of oil should be taken to confirm the typical test data and to use as a baseline. This baseline should act as a starting point for the physical and chemical properties of the lubricant, and for future comparisons with used oil information. This is most important! Recommended tests for new oil are given in the schedules of this practice (see Table 1 and Table 2). When new turbine oil is to be mixed with a charge of a different composition prior checks should be made to ensure no loss of expected properties due to incompatibility (see lubricant suppliers' specifications). These should include functional tests and checks for formation of insolubles.

5.1.4 System Operating Conditions: The most important factors affecting the anticipated service life of a given lubricating oil in a given turbine system are the operating conditions within the system. Air (oxygen), elevated operating temperatures, metals, and water (moisture) are always present to some extent in these oil systems. These elements promote oil degradation and must consequently be recorded. Most turbine oil systems are provided with oil coolers to control temperature. In many cases, bulk oil temperatures are maintained so low, below 60°C (140°F), that moisture condensation can occur. Even with low bulk oil temperatures, however, there can be localized hot spots such as in bearings, at gas seals, and in throttle control mechanisms that can cause oil degradation and eventually cause system oil to show signs of deterioration. Under the higher temperature conditions which are present in gas and steam turbines, oxidation of the oil can be accelerated by thermal-oxidative cracking leading to the production of viscous resins and deposits particularly at the point of initiation.

5.1.5 Contamination: Contamination of turbine oils occurs both from outside the system and from within due to oil degradation and moisture condensation or leaks. Development of a clean turbine oil system on start-up or following maintenance is essential. Once attained, the danger of external contamination is less but should be guarded against. The oil can be contaminated by the introduction of different type oils, which are of the wrong type or are incompatible with the system oil. The oil supplier or the turbine manufacturer, or both, should be consulted before additions are made. External contamination can enter the system through bearing seals and vents. Internal contaminants are always being generated. These include water, dirt, fly ash, wear particles, and oil degradation products. From whatever source, contamination must be dealt with by monitoring oil condition and the use of purification devices such as filters and centrifuges on a regular basis. These can be removed by purification devices such as filters, centrifuges, coalescers, and vacuum dehydrators.

5.1.6 Oil Makeup Rate - The amount and frequency of makeup oil added to the system plays a very significant part in determining the life of a system oil charge. Makeup varies from below 5 % per year to as much as 30 % in extreme cases. In turbines where makeup is relatively high compared to the oil degradation rate, the degree of degradation is compensated for and long oil life can be expected. In turbines where the makeup is very low (below 5 %), a truer picture of oil degradation is obtained. However, such a system should be carefully watched since the oil life is dependent almost exclusively on its original quality. In the United States, the average makeup is typically around 7 to 10 % per year.

5.1.7 Handling and Oil Storage - Handling and dispensing methods must ensure that the quality and the cleanliness of the lubricant meet the specifications required by the equipment. Oils must be properly labeled to ensure proper selection and use. Proper stock rotation and storage methods must be considered to prevent the possible degradation of the physical and chemical properties of the lubricant during storage and dispensing.

5.2 The combination of all of the preceding operational factors for a given turbine determines its severity level. Each unit is different and the equilibrium operating conditions for each system must be determined in order to fix its severity level; OEM operating and maintenance specifications can also be used in setting the severity levels. The more severe a turbine system, the shorter the service life for a given oil. A useful approach to determine the severity of a turbine is given in Appendix X1.