ASTM D4311 for Determining Asphalt Volume Correction to a Base Temperature
4. Procedure
4.1 Volume correction factors are provided for volume adjustments to 15°C in Table 1 and [60°F] in Table 2. The tables are entered with asphalt temperature at which bulk volume is measured.

4.2 The tables provide two sets of factors in columns labeled A and B. The selection of the appropriate column, A or B, is defined by table footnotes. The selection is based on asphalt density at 15°C, API gravity at [60°F], or by the specific gravity [60/60°F]. Column A factors apply to the majority of asphalts.
4.2.1 Values for density at 15°C, API gravity at [60°F], and specific gravity [60/60°F] may be obtained by Test Method D70, Test Method D3289, or Test Method D3142.

4.2.2 Volume correction factors (see Note 2) for Table 1 were generated using the following formulas: Table 1 - A Factor Asphalts:
A = 1.009 - 6.3341 x 10(-4)[T(°C) + 1.4571 x 10(-7)[T(°C)]2
A = volume correction factor, and
T (°C) = temperature of asphalt in °C. Table 1 - B Factor Asphalts:
B = 1.0108 - 7.2344 x 10(-4)[T(°C)] + 2.199 x 10(-7)[T(°C)]2
B = volume correction factor, and
T (°C) = temperature of asphalt in °C. These formulas may be used in lieu of Table 1 to calculate volume correction factors.

NOTE 2 - The volume correction factors are designed to generate values similar to those found in the original published Guide D1250 for Group 0 and 1 Oils. Table 1 has been corrected to a base temperature of 15°C.

4.2.3 Volume correction factors (see Note 3) for Table 2 were generated using the following formulas: Table 2 - A Factor Asphalts:
A = 1.0211 - 3.5490 x 10(-4)[T(°F)] + 4.4988 x 10(-8)[T(°F)]2

NOTE 3 - The volume correction factors are designed to generate values similar to those found in the original published Guide D1250 for Group 0 and 1 Oils. Table 2 has been corrected to a base temperature of 60°F.
A = volume correction factor, and
T(°F) = temperature of asphalt in [°F] Table 2 - B Factor Asphalts:
B = 1.0241 - 4.0641 x 10(-4)[T(°F)] + 6.7918 x 10(-8)[T(°F)]2
B = volume correction factor, and
T(°F) = temperature of asphalt in [°F] These formulas may be used in lieu of Table 2 to calculate volume correction factors.

4.3 Enter the desired table with the asphalt temperature at which the volume measurement was made, and read the volume correction factor in a selected column A or B.

4.4 Multiply the volume measurement by the appropriate volume correction factor to obtain the adjusted volume of asphalt at 15°C or 60°F.