ASTM D4212 Standard Test Method for Viscosity by Dip-Type Viscosity Cups
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The cup is completely immersed in the material to be tested, withdrawn, and the time for the material to flow through a hole in the base of the cup is measured.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 Viscosity is a measure of the fluidity of a material. Viscosity data are useful in the determination of the ease of stirring, pumping, dip coating, or other flow-related properties of paints and related fluids.

5.2 This type of cup is used to measure viscosity because it is easy to use, robust, and may be used in tanks, reservoirs, and reactors.

5.3 There are other types of apparatus for measuring viscosity in the laboratory that provide better precision and bias, including the Ford viscosity cup (Test Method D1200), and the Brookfield viscometer (Test Methods D2196).

5.4 Certain higher shear rate devices such as cone/plate viscometers (Test Method D4287) provide more information about sprayability, roll coatability, and other high-shear rate related properties of coatings.