ASTM D4177 Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
ASTM D4177 Standard Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
17. Operational Performance Checks/Reports
17.1 Monitoring of sampler performance is a necessary part of every sampling operation. Monitoring is required to make sure that the sample extractor is extracting a uniform grab in a flow proportional manner. This is normally accomplished by assessing the sample volume collected to ensure that it meets expectations for the equipment and transfer volume involved.

17.2 Several procedures may be used to accomplish this requirement, that is, sight glasses, gages, or weigh cells. Selection of a procedure should be based on (1) volume of transfer, (2) type of installation, (3) time interval of transfer, (4) whether the sampling facility is manned, (5) receiver type, (6) purpose of the sample, and (7) equipment used.

17.3 For LACT and ACT units, monitoring may consist of comparison between sample volume collected and expected sample volume. For very large transfers including marine transferee, more information may be desired as outlined in Annex A4 and Annex A5.

18. Keywords
18.1 acceptance tests; automatic petroleum sampling; controllers; extractor; intermediate sampling receiver; isokinetic sampling; mixing elements; portable samplers; primary sample receiver; probe; representative sampling; representative sampling criteria; sampling handling; sample loop; sample mixing; stream conditioning