ASTM D4175 Terminology Relating to Petroleum, Petroleum Products, and Lubricants
lag phase, n - the period of diminished physiological activity and cell division following the addition of microorganisms to a new culture medium.
lamination, n - line of demarcation or elongated void generally parallel to the principal grain direction of a carbon or graphite body.
last nonseizure load, n - the last load at which the measured scar diameter is not more than 5 % greater than the compensation value at that load.

DISCUSSION - Shown in Fig. 1 as Point B.

lethal load XX (LLXX), n - a statistically or graphically estimated loading rate of test material that is expected to be lethal to XX % of a group of organisms under specified conditions for a specified time.

DISCUSSION - This terminology should be used for hydraulic fluids instead of the standard lethal concentration (LCXX) when the hydraulic fluid is not completely soluble under test conditions.

lethal load XX (LLXX), n - a statistically or graphically estimated loading rate of test material that is expected to be lethal to XX % of a representative subpopulation of organisms under specified conditions.

DISCUSSION - This terminology should be used instead of the standard LCXX when the material is not completely soluble at the test treat rates.

lethal load XX (LLXX), n - a statistically or graphically estimated loading rate of test material that is expected to be lethal to XX % of a subpopulation of organisms under specified conditions.

DISCUSSION - This terminology should be used for lubricants instead of the standard LCXX to designate that the material is not completely soluble at the test treat rates.

light distillate, n - in the petroleum industry, a distillate whose entire boiling range is below about 250°C (about 480°F).

DISCUSSION - Light distillates, such as naphtha or gasoline-range components, will have flash points at or below about 35°C (about 95°F), and thus can present greater hazards during storage and handling than materials with higher flash points, such as middle and heavy distillates.

DISCUSSION - Light distillate shall not be used to mean light middle distillate. (See middle distillate.)

light-duty, adj - in internal combustion engine operation, characterized by average speeds, power output, and internal temperatures that are generally much lower than the potential maximums.
light-duty engine, n - in internal combustion engine types, one that is designed to be normally operated at substantially less than its peak output.

DISCUSSION - This type of engine is typically installed in automobiles and small trucks, vans, and buses.

linear thermal expansion - the change in length per unit length resulting from a temperature change. Linear thermal expansion is symbolically represented by ΔL/L0, where ΔL is the length change of the specimen (L1 - L0), L0 and L1 are the specimens lengths at reference temperature T0 and test temperature T1, respectively. Linear thermal expansion is often expressed as a percentage or in parts per million (such as µm/m).
linearly mixable, adj - a property is deemed to be linearly mixable in a mass or volume measurement unit if the property of the mixed material can be calculated from the quantities and properties of the materials used to produce the mixture.

DISCUSSION - The general equations describing this linearly mixable attribute are as follows:

DISCUSSION - The material being mixed can be from the same process stream over time.

liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), n - a mixture of normally gaseous hydrocarbons, predominantly propane or butane or both, that has been liquefied by compression or cooling, or both, to facilitate storage, transport, and handling.
liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), n - narrow boiling range hydrocarbon mixtures, consisting mainly of propane or propylene, or both (Warning - Extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled), butanes and butylenes, or both; in which the concentration of hydrocarbon compounds with boiling point greater than 0°C is less than 5 % by liquid volume, and whose vapor pressure at 37.8°C (100°F) is not greater than 1550 kPa.
liquid, adj - describing a state of matter that shows free flow and has a definite volume and indefinite shape, as determined by its container.

DISCUSSION - Sometimes a liquid is called a fluid, as in hydraulic fluid, a liquid.

DISCUSSION - A quantity of solid particles, powders, or pellets, for example, fluidized catalyst beds, can also flow like a liquid in the presence of an applied force. The state of the individual particles, nevertheless, remains as a solid.

liquid, n - substance (matter) in a liquid state (see liquid, adj).
load-carrying capacity, n - of a lubricating grease, the maximum load or pressure that can be sustained by a lubricating grease without failure of the sliding contact surfaces as evidenced by seizure or welding.
load-wear index (or the load-carrying property of a lubricant), n - an index of the ability of a lubricant to minimize wear at applied loads. Under the conditions of this test, specific loadings in kilograms-force (or newtons) having intervals of approximately 0.1 logarithmic units, are applied to the three stationary balls for ten runs prior to welding. The load-wear index is the average of the sum of the corrected loads determined for the ten applied loads immediately preceding the weld pair.
load-wear index, n - an index of the ability of a lubricant to prevent wear at applied loads. (Synonym - load-carrying property of a lubricant.)
loading rate, n - the ratio of test material to aqueous medium used in the preparation of a water accommodated fraction (WAF) and in interpretation of the results of a toxicity study with a poorly water soluble lubricant or lubricant component.
loading rate, n - the ratio of test material to aqueous medium used in the preparation of WAF, WSF, or mechanical dispersion and in the interpretation of the results of a toxicity study with a poorly water-soluble lubricant or lubricant component.
log phase, n - the period of growth of microorganisms during which cells divide at a positive constant rate.
longitudinal sonic pulse, n - a sonic pulse in which the displacements are in the direction of propagation of the pulse.
long-term storage, n - storage of fuel for longer than 12 months after it is received by the user.
lot, n - a definite quantity of a product or material accumulated under conditions that are considered uniform for sampling purposes.
lot - a quantity of calcined petroleum coke to be represented by a gross sample.
low resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, n - a form of NMR spectroscopy using a simple NMR analyzer that employs a low magnetic field and consequentially low NMR frequency. An example is proton NMR below 60 MHz. Resolution is expressed as time at half height of signal and is typically 1 millisecond (ms) or less.
low-temperature torque, n - the torque in g•cm required to restrain the outer ring of a No. 6204 size open ball bearing lubricated with the test grease while the inner ring is rotated at 1 ± 0.05 r/min at the test temperature.
low-volume connector, n - a special union for connecting two lengths of tubing 1.6-mm inside diameter and smaller; sometimes referred to as a zero dead-volume union.
LPG - abbreviation for liquefied petroleum gas.
LTMS, n - Lubricant Test Monitoring System

DISCUSSION - An analytical system in which ASTM calibration test data are used to manage lubricant engine test precision.

lubricant, n - any material interposed between two surfaces that reduces the friction or wear between them.
lubricant, n - any material interposed between two surfaces that reduces the friction or wear, or both, between them.
lubricant, n - any material interposed between two surfaces that reduces friction or wear between them.

DISCUSSION - In this test method, the lubricant is an oil which may or may not contain additives such as foam inhibitors.

lubricant, n - in manual transmission and final drive axles, lubricating oil.
lubricant base stock, n - a liquid that may be used alone as a lubricant, but normally is used as a major ingredient in formulated lubricants.
lubricant test monitoring system (LTMS), n - an analytical system in which ASTM calibration test data are used to manage lubricant test precision and severity (bias).
LTMS date, n - the date the test was completed unless a different date is assigned by the TMC.
LTMS time, n - the time the test was completed unless a different time is assigned by the TMC.
lubricating grease, n - a semi-fluid to solid product of a thickener in a liquid lubricant.

DISCUSSION - The dispersion of the thickener forms a two-phase system and immobilizes the liquid lubricant by surface tension and other physical forces. Other ingredients are commonly included to impart special properties.

lubricating grease, n - a semi-fluid to solid product of a dispersion of a thickener in a liquid lubricant.

DISCUSSION - The qualifying term, lubricating, should always be used. The term, grease, used without the qualifier refers to a different product, namely certain natural or processed animal fats, such as tallow, lard, and so forth.

DISCUSSION - The dispersion of the thickener forms a two-phase system and immobilizes the liquid lubricant by surface tension and other physical forces. Other ingredients are commonly included to impart special properties.

lubricating oil, n - a liquid lubricant, usually comprising several ingredients, including a major portion of base oil and minor portions of various additives.
lubricity, n - a qualitative term describing the ability of a lubricant to minimize friction between and damage to surfaces in relative motion under load.
lugging, adj - in internal combustion engine operation, characterized by a combined mode of relatively low-speed and high-power output.
luminometer number, n - a measure of the flame temperature in a wick lamp burning the candidate material as fuel at a specified flame radiation level in the green-yellow band of the visible spectrum.