ASTM D4072 Standard Test Method for Toluene-Insoluble (TI) Content of Tar and Pitch
5. Apparatus
5.1 Extraction Apparatus, Flask with metal cap condenser as shown in Fig. 1.

5.2 Extraction Thimble, Alundum AN 485 coarse (formerly RA 98), 30 mm in diameter by 80 mm in height with flat bottom.

5.3 Thimble Cover, Paper cone, made by wetting with water a 70 mm filter paper normally folded in a small glass funnel, and drying the funnel in an oven with the paper cone in place.

5.4 Sieves, U.S. Standard 600 µm (No. 30) and 250 µm (No. 60), conforming to Specification E11.

5.5 Heater, having a minimum capacity of 300 W per unit.

6. Reagents
6.1 Toluene, Industrial Pure, meeting Specification D362. (Warning - Flammable.)

6.2 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid. (Warning - Corrosive.)

7. Hazards
7.1 Since toluene is a toxic and flammable substance, all working areas should be efficiently hooded and kept free of sparks and flames.

7.2 Observe proper laboratory procedures for handling and diluting hydrochloric acid.