ASTM D4057 standard practice for manual sampling of petroleum and petroleum products
11. Keywords
11.1 automatic sampler; all-levels sample; boring sample; boring sampling; bottle/beaker sampling; bottom sample; bottom water sample; clearance sample; composite sample; core sample; core thief spot sampling; dead bottom sample; deck composite sample; dipper sample; dipper sampling; dissolved water; drain sample; emulsion; entrained water; extended tube sampling; floating piston cylinder; floating roof sample; free water; grab sample; grab sampling; grease sample; grease sampling; high pressure sample cylinder; intermediate sample container; loading zone sample; lower sample; marine custody transfer; maximum fill density (reduced fill density); middle sample; multiple tank composite sample; outage tube (internal); portable manual sampling unit; PSU; primary sample container; representative sample; running sample; sample; sample containers; sample handling; sample labeling; sample mixing; sample shipment; sampling; sampling cage; spot sample; standpipes; static sampling; suction sample (outlet); sump sample; surface (skim) sample; tank composite sample; tap sample; tap sampling; test specimen; top sample; tube or thief sample; tube sampling; upper sample; volumetric composite sample; zone sample