ASTM D4047 Test Method for Phosphorus in Lubricating Oils and Additives
ASTM D4047 Standard Test Method for Phosphorus in Lubricating Oils and Additives by Quinoline Phosphomolybdate Method
7. Blending Procedure
7.1 Samples having a phosphorus content greater than 0.3 mass % should be blended in white oil to give a phosphorus content in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 mass %.

7.2 Calculate the mass of sample for a 10-g blend as follows:
A = 2/P
P = approximate percent phosphorus in the sample, and
A = grams of sample required for a 10-g blend.

7.3 Calculate the mass of white oil for a 10-g blend as follows:
B = 10 - A
B = mass of white oil, g.

7.4 Weigh a quantity of sample A more or less 0.01 g into a 25-mL beaker.

7.5 Weigh into the same beaker B g of white oil.

7.6 Mix the sample and white oil thoroughly by stirring and warming to approximately 50°C.