ASTM D402 Method for Distillation of Cut-Back Asphaltic (Bituminous) Products
7. Preparation of Apparatus
7.1 Calculate the weight of 200 mL of the sample from the specific gravity of the material at 15.6/15.6°C. Weigh this amount more or less 0.5 g into the 500-mL flask.
7.2 Place the flask in the shield supported by two sheets of gauze on a tripod or ring. Connect the condenser tube to the tubulature of the flask with a tight cork joint. Clamp the condenser so that the axis of the bulb of the flask through the center of its neck is vertical. Adjust the adapter over the end of the condenser tube so that the distance from the neck of the flask to the outlet of the adapter is 650 more or less 50 mm (see Fig. 3).
7.3 Insert the thermometer through a tightly fitting cork in the neck of the flask so that the bulb of the thermometer rests on the bottom of the flask. Raise the thermometer 6 mm from the bottom of the flask using the scale divisions on the thermometer to estimate the 6 mm distance above the top of the cork.
7.4 Protect the burner by a suitable shield or chimney. Place the receiver so that the adapter extends at least 25 mm but not below the 100-mL mark. Cover the graduate closely with a piece of blotting paper, or similar material, suitably weighted, which has been cut to fit the adapter snugly.
7.5 The flask, condenser tube, adapter, and receiver shall be clean and dry before starting the distillation. Place the seamless residue container on its cover in an area free from drafts.
7.6 Pass cold water through the condenser jacket. Use warm water if necessary to prevent formation of solid condensate in the condenser tube.