ASTM D3944 Test Method for Solidification Point of Petroleum Wax
6. Apparatus
6.1 Thermocouple, with an iron-constantan junction.

6.2 Recorder capable of recording voltage and equipped with a time-base module. The recorder should have the following minimum specifications:
6.2.1 Span, 0 to 10 mV or other suitable ranges.

6.2.2 Accuracy, 0.25 % of full scale.

6.2.3 Step Response Time, 1-s full scale, 3-s full scale is also appropriate.

6.2.4 Zero Junction/Reference Junction/Temperature Compensated Junction - Must be included.

6.3 TFE-Fluorocarbon Holder Adapter - See Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.

6.4 TFE-Fluorocarbon Disk Centering Guide - See Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.

6.5 Test Tubes, 6 by 50-mm.

6.6 Vial, 25 by 52-mm.

6.7 Apparatus for Calibrating Temperature Recorder:
6.7.1 Stainless Steel Beaker, 1000-mL.

6.7.2 Heating Mantle, to fit 6.7.1.

6.7.3 Autotransformer to control heat to 6.7.2.

6.7.4 Variable-Speed-Stirrer.

6.7.5 Thermometer, ASTM No. 61C or 61F, 79-mm immersion.

6.8 Methods for Heating Specimen:
6.8.1 Hot Air Blower at 1000 W, 1200 W, or other suitable power. This could be a laboratory or a household hair dryer type.

6.8.2 Aluminum Heating Block, about 50 by 50 by 50 mm. In the center of one face of the block, a hole is made 7 mm in diameter and 37 mm deep to accommodate a 6 by 50-mm test tube and another hole adjacent to it to accommodate a 110-V, 30-W cartridge heater, about 9 by 38 mm, commercially available (see Fig. 2). Autotransformer, to control heat in 6.8.2.