17. Calculations
17.1 Calculate the results as follows, using the symbols defined in 3.1.
17.1.1 Mineral Oil - Calculate the mass percentage of mineral oil as follows:
Mineral oil, mass % = (D - F)100/(B/100)A
for calcium, barium, magnesium, or ammonium sulfonate or (D - F)100/C for sodium sulfonate.
17.1.2 Sodium Sulfonate - Calculate the mass percentage of sodium sulfonate, U, as follows:
Sodium sulfonate, mass % = (E - G)100/C
17.1.3 Calcium, Barium, Magnesium, or Ammonium Sulfonate - Calculate the mass percentage of calcium, barium, magnesium, or ammonium sulfonate, V, as follows:
V = (E - G)J100/(B/100)A
17.1.4 Equivalent Weight of Sodium Sulfonate - Calculate the average equivalent weight of sodium sulfonate, S, as follows:
S = 71 H/I
17.1.5 Average Molecular Weight of Calcium, Barium, Magnesium, or Ammonium Sulfonates - Calculate the average molecular weight, T, of calcium, barium, magnesium, or ammonium sulfonate as follows:
T = 2S - 6 (for calcium sulfonate)
T = 2S + 91 (for barium sulfonate)
T = 2S - 22 (for magnesium sulfonate)
T = S - 5 (for ammonium sulfonate)
17.1.6 Basicity or Acidity (Sodium Sulfonate Products) - Calculate the basicity as percentage of NaOH (CCB), or the acidity as percentage of H2SO4 (CCA) as follows:
CCB = 40YZ/10X
CCA = 49YZ/10X
17.1.7 Inorganic Salts (Sodium Sulfonate Products) - Calculate the percentage of inorganic salts, DD, as sodium sulfate.
DD = 100 (BB/AA) - (71U/S) - (71CCB/40)
17.1.8 Relative Density - Calculate the specific gravity as follows:
Relative density, 25/25°C = Ws/Wc
18. Precision and Bias
18.1 The precision of the method as determined by statistical examination of interlaboratory results is as follows:
18.1.1 Repeatability - The difference between two test results obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test materials would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test method, exceed the following values only in one case in twenty:

18.1.2 Reproducibility - The difference between two single and independent results obtained by different operators working in different laboratories on identical test material would, in the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test method, exceed the following values only in one case in twenty:

18.2 Bias - Bias cannot be determined because there are no acceptable reference materials suitable for determining the bias in this test method.
19. Keywords
19.1 ammonium sulfonate; barium sulfonate; calcium sulfonate; inorganic salts; liquid chromatography; magnesium sulfonate; mineral oil; molecular weight; petroleum sulfonates