18. Method B - Stripper Column Extraction
18.1 Dissolved gases are extracted from a sample of oil by sparging the oil with the carrier gas on a stripper column containing a high surface area bead. The gases are then flushed from the stripper column into a gas chromatograph for analysis. Testing of silicone liquids by this test method is not recommended for systems which are also used to test mineral oil, as excessive foaming should cause contamination of columns after the stripper.
19. Apparatus
19.1 Gas Chromatograph1, capable of separating and detecting the gases of interest using a direct injection of a portion of the liquid samples.Alternative gas strippers are given in IEC Guide 567.
19.2 The apparatus must be capable of sufficiently separating the component gases, at the sensitivity levels shown as follows, to ensure quantitative measurement of the respective peak areas:
19.3 The apparatus shall be capable of providing data for successive runs of a reference standard that are repeatable within 1 %, with respect to area under the peaks, for hydrogen and carbon oxide components.