ASTM D3601 Standard Test Method for Foam In Aqueous Media (Bottle Test)
7. Procedure
7.1 Fix a label or other means ofmarking total heights to the outside of the bottle.

NOTE 4 - Waterproof medical adhesive tape makes satisfactory water-proof labels, which readily take pencil marks.

7.2 Using the manufacturer's recommended procedure, prepare 200 ml of emulsion at the recommended concentration and pour the emulsion into the 16-oz round bottle (or equivalent 500-cm3 bottle).

7.3 When natural water is used, record water hardness (using Test Method D1126), source, and date obtained.

NOTE 5 - In the absence of manufacturers' recommendations, place 190 ml of distilled water in the 16-oz round bottle. Using a 10-ml syringe or pipet, accurately measure 10 ml ofthe coolant concentrate into this water. Immediately cap and shake to thoroughly mix this 5 % emulsion or solution.

7.4 Store this test liquid in the constant-temperature bath for a minimum of 1 h and a maximum of 2 h at 25 +/- 1°C (77 +/- 1.8°F).

NOTE 6 - Storage in water to level above air-liquid interface of emulsion will suffice to stabilize emulsion (or solution) temperature.

7.5 Using any suitable thermometer, measure and record the temperature of this liquid and adjust it to 25 +/- 1°C (77 +/- 1.8°F) if necessary. Remove the thermometer and recap the bottle.

7.6 Remove the test sample from the constant-temperature bath. Mark and record the height to the nearest 1 mm of the liquid/air interface, disregarding any foam from previous operations. (This is initial height, I.)

7.7 Place a second mark 10 mm higher than the first mark.

7.8 Vigorously shake the test sample bottle using a minimum of an 8-in. stroke and 40 shakes in less than 10 s.

7.9 Immediately mark and read to the nearest 1 mm the total height (including foam). Call this maximum total height at zero time, M. Start the timer.

NOTE 7 - If the foam is not level, make the best average measurement possible.

7.10 Allow the bottle to stand undisturbed and record the time (to the nearest 1/2 min within this rest period of 5 min) for the foam to subside to a net foam height of 10 mm (as indicated by the mark made in accordance with 7.7).

7.11 If the foam height at this time exceeds 10 mm, record the total height to the nearest 1 mm as residual total height after 5 min, R.

7.12 Measure and record the temperature ofthe test liquid to the nearest 1°C (1.8°F).

NOTE 8 - The following sections should be performed only when distilled water has been used in the above procedure in accordance with Note 5.

7.13 Add 1.00 ml of 20 000 ppm hard water stock solution to the emulsion. Shake gently to assure uniform mixing of the system. Allow the emulsion to sit quiet for 5 min; then proceed as in 7.14. (Warning - Differences in hydrolyzation time can yield differences in foaming properties.)

7.14 Repeat 7.8-7.12.