ASTM D3527 Test Method for Life Performance of Automotive Wheel Bearing Grease
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The test grease is distributed in the bearings of a modified, automobile front wheel hub-spindle-bearings assembly. While the bearings are thrust-loaded to 111 N, the hub is rotated at 1000 rpm and the spindle temperature maintained at 160°C for 20 h, 4 h off operating cycle. The test is terminated when grease deterioration causes the drive motor torque to exceed a calculated motor cut off value. Grease life is expressed as the accumulated on-cycle hours.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method differentiates among wheel bearing greases having distinctly different high-temperature characteristics. It is not the equivalent of long-time service tests, nor is it intended to distinguish between the products having similar high-temperature performance properties.
5.2 This test method has proven to be helpful in screening greases with respect to life performance for automotive wheel bearing applications.