ASTM D3524 Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils
ASTM D3524 Standard Test Method for Diesel Fuel Diluent in Used Diesel Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography
10. Procedure
10.1 Program the column temperature upward to a temperature sufficiently high to elute all the components from the column. Following a rigorously standardized procedure, cool the column down to the starting temperature and, at the exact time set by the schedule, inject a carefully measured volume of sample (1 µL). Start programming the column temperature upward at a rate that will produce the desired separations as specified in 5.3. Turn on the recorder chart drive and integrator immediately after injecting the sample. Record the peaks at a sensitivity setting that allows the maximum peak height compatible with the method of measurement being used.
10.2 Since complete resolution of sample peaks is not expected, the sensitivity setting should not be changed during the test. If a ball-and-disc integrator or manual means are used for measuring peak areas, the sensitivity setting must be such that the maximum peak of the fuel portion of the chromatograph remains on the scale of the recorder.