ASTM D3245 Test Method for Pumpability of Industrial Fuel Oils
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A sample of the oil, preheated if necessary to a specified temperature to make it fluid, is poured into the cup of the portable viscometer. This is immersed in a bath at a predetermined temperature. After 15 min, the viscometer is started at a rate of shear of 9.7 s(-1). After a further 5 min, the bath is cooled at 0.5°C/min (1°F/min). The temperatures at which apparent viscosities of 0.6 Pa•s (6 P) and 2.5 Pa•s (25 P) are obtained are determined.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method is designed to give an indication of the minimum storage and minimum handling temperatures which may be used for a given fuel oil. This method is cited in Specification D396.