ASTM D3244 Standard Practice for Utilization of Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications
10. Acceptance or Rejection of Product
10.1 If the ATV is equal to or better than the AL limit, the product is to be accepted as having met specification.

10.2 If the ATV fails the AL value, the product is to be rejected as failing specification.

10.3 These concepts are presented graphically in Fig. 3.
10.3.1 The plotted lines are boundary conditions separating acceptable results from those indicating other alternative actions. The sample is considered acceptable if the two results fall to the left of the line, (XR + XS)/2 = ATV = AL if they are also within the lines. XR - XS = +/- R.

10.3.2 The sample is unacceptable if the results lie to the right of the line (XR + XS)/2 = ATV = AL.

10.3.3 Initial results falling in the region labeled resample call for a retest. If results for a second sample also fall in the resample region, a reference laboratory should be included in the new testing program.

10.4 The actual consequences of rejecting a product for failure to meet specification are subject to prior agreement or negotiation between the parties concerned.

11. Keywords
11.1 specifications; conformance; agreement; acceptance limits; dispute; precision; acceptance; rejection