ASTM D3142 for Specific Gravity, API Gravity, or Density of Cutback Asphalts
ASTM D3142 Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity, API Gravity, or Density of Cutback Asphalts by Hydrometer Method
6. Apparatus
6.1 Hydrometers, glass, graduated in units of specific gravity, API gravity, or density as required, as listed in Table 1 and in accordance with Specification E100.

6.2 Thermometers - A calibrated ASTM Gravity Thermometer, having a range of -20 to 102°C or -5 to 215°F and conforming to the requirements for Thermometer 12°C or 12°F, respectively, as prescribed in Specification E1, or an equivalent thermometric device that has been calibrated in accordance with Test Method E220. If a thermohydrometer is used, the temperature scale shall have a range from 20 to 65°C or 60 to 220°F (Designation H).

6.3 Hydrometer Cylinder, clear glass, plastic (Note 2), or metal. For convenience in pouring, the cylinder may have a lip on the rim. The inside diameter of the cylinder shall be at least 20 mm [3/4 in.] greater than the outside diameter of the hydrometer used in it. The height of the cylinder shall be such that the hydrometer floats in the sample with at least 25 mm [1 in.] clearance between the bottom of the hydrometer and the bottom of the cylinder.

NOTE 2 - Hydrometer cylinders constructed of plastic materials should be resistant to discoloration or attack by oil samples and must not become opaque by prolonged exposure to sunlight and oil samples.

6.4 Constant-Temperature Bath, capable of maintaining the testing temperature to ±0.5°C [1.0°F] and of such dimensions that the level of the liquid is approximately the same as that of the sample in the hydrometer cylinder.

6.5 Oven, for preheating the sample, and capable of maintaining the selected testing temperature to within ±3°C [5°F].