ASTM D2981 Test Method for Wear Life of Solid Film Lubricants in Oscillating Motion
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 The test machine is operated using a coated steel testing ring oscillating against a steel test block. The oscillating speed is 87.5 +/- 1 cpm at a 90° arc. The specimens are worn-in for 1 min at 13.6 kg (30 lb) normal load obtained by application of 0.454 kg (1 lb) of dead weight to the 0:1 ratio lever system. Wear-in is followed by application of a normal load of 283 kg (630 lb) obtained by application of 9.53 kg (21 lb) of dead weight to the 30:1 ratio lever system for the duration of the test.

4.2 One measurement is made:
4.2.1 wear life - the number of cycles required for the frictional force to rise to a predetermined value.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method is used for determining the wear life properties of bonded solid lubricants in oscillating motion under the prescribed test conditions. This test method differentiates between bonded solid lubricants with respect to their wear life. If the test conditions are changed, relative wear life may change and relative ratings of the bonded solid film lubricants may be different.