ASTM D287 for API gravity of crude petroleum and petroleum products
ASTM D287 standard test method for API gravity of crude petroleum and petroleum products(Hydrometer method)
8. Procedure
8.1 For referee testing, use the long plain form of hydrometer (1H to 10H). For field testing, use the thermohydrometer.

8.2 Adjust the temperature of the sample in accordance with Table 2. For field testing, test temperatures other than those listed in Table 2 may be used. The hydrometer cylinder shall be approximately the same temperature as the sample to be tested.

8.3 Transfer the sample into the clean hydrometer cylinder without splashing, so as to avoid the formation of air bubbles and to reduce to a minimum the evaporation of the lower boiling constituents of the more volatile samples. (Warning - Extremely flammable. Vapors may cause flash fire.) For the more volatile samples, transfer to the hydrometer cylinder by siphoning. (Warning - Do not start the siphon by mouth.) Use a rubber aspirator bulb. Remove any air bubbles formed, after they have collected on the surface of the sample, by touching them with a piece of clean filter paper before inserting the hydrometer. For field testing, make the gravity measurement directly in the sampling thief. Place the cylinder containing the sample in a vertical position in a location free from air currents. Take precautions to prevent the temperature of the sample from changing appreciably during the time necessary to complete the test. During this period, the temperature of the surrounding medium should not change more than 5°F (2°C).

8.4 Lower the hydrometer gently into the sample and, when it has settled, depress it about two scale divisions into the liquid and then release it; keep the rest of the stem dry, as unnecessary liquid on the stem changes the effective weight of the instrument, and so affects the reading obtained. With samples of low viscosity, a slight spin imparted to the instrument on releasing assists in bringing it to rest, floating freely away from the walls of the hydrometer cylinder. Allow sufficient time for the hydrometer to become completely stationary and for all air bubbles to come to the surface. This is particularly necessary in the case of the more viscous samples.

8.5 When the hydrometer has come to rest, floating freely, and the temperature of the sample is constant to 0.2°F (0.1°C), read the hydrometer to the nearest scale division. The correct reading is that point on the hydrometer scale at which the surface of the liquid cuts the scale. Determine this point by placing the eye slightly below the level of the liquid and slowly raising it until the surface, first seen as a distorted ellipse, appears to become a straight line cutting the hydrometer scale.

8.6 To make a reading with nontransparent liquids, observe the point on the hydrometer scale to which the sample rises above its main surface, placing the eye slightly above the plane surface of the liquid. This reading requires a correction. Determine this correction for the particular hydrometer in use by observing the height above the main surface of the liquid to which the sample rises on the hydrometer scale when the hydrometer in question is immersed in a transparent liquid having a surface tension similar to that of a sample under test.

8.7 Observe the temperature of the sample to the nearest 0.25°F (0.1°C) immediately before and after the observation of the gravity, the liquid in the cylinder being thoroughly but cautiously stirred with the thermometer (Note 3), and the whole of the mercury thread being immersed. Should these temperature readings differ by more than 1°F (0.5°C), repeat the temperature and gravity observations when the temperature of the sample has become more stable. Record the mean of the thermometer reading before and after the final hydrometer reading, to the nearest 1°F, as the temperature of the test.

NOTE 3 - When thermohydrometers are used, stir the sample by carefully raising and lowering the hydrometer. It is satisfactory in this case to read the thermometer scale after the hydrometer reading has been observed. Read the thermometer to the nearest 1°F (0.5°C).

9. Calculation
9.1 When gravities have been observed on opaque liquids using the procedure given in 8.6, subtract the correction from the hydrometer reading observed.

9.2 Correct all hydrometer readings to 60°F (15.56°C), using Tables 5A or Tables 5B of Guide D1250.