ASTM D2809 Standard Test Method for Cavitation Corrosion and Erosion-Corrosion Characteristics of Aluminum Pumps With Engine Coolants
8. Procedure
8.1 Before each test is begun, clean the test apparatus as follows:
8.1.1 Remove and replace all hose (hose shall not be used for more than one test), set the throttling valve to full open position, and install a standard automative water pump as the flushing pump to circulate cleaning solution.
8.1.2 Fill the system with a solution made of 162 g (5.7 oz) of detergent in 17 L (18 qt) of cool tap water. (The total capacity of the system is approximately 17.5 L (18.5 qt). Reduce the pump speed to approximately 2675 r/min to minimize heat buildup. Start the pump and circulate for 15 min. Drain.
8.1.3 Fill with tap water. Start the pump and circulate for 5 min. Drain. Perform this operation three times.
NOTE 5 - This cleaning procedure supercedes one using chromic acid, a recognized hazard. A Subcommittee D15.09 task force is currently qualifying this cleaning procedure.
8.1.4 Fill the system with a cleaning solution containing 73.5 g ofoxalic acid dihydrate and 52.5 g ofcitric acid per litre of water. (These chemicals may be technical grade.)
8.1.5 Raise the temperature to 82°C (180°F) with the pump operating at approximately 2675 r/min and the heater on. When the temperature is reached, turn off the heater. Circulate the cleaning solution for 1 h. (If the temperature rises above 90°C (194°F), cool the system with the fan.) Drain the system.
8.1.6 Repeat step 8.1.3.
8.1.7 Circulate a solution made of 820 g (1.8 lb) of sodium carbonate (technical grade) in 17 L (18 qt) of cool tap water for 10 min. Circulating this solution in excess of 10 min may cause carbonates to form on copper components. Drain.
8.1.8 Fill with tap water and circulate water for approximately 3 min. Drain.
8.1.9 Repeat step 8.1.8 three times.
8.1.10 Take a sample of the last flush water. Make a 5 mass % solution of calcium chloride (reagent grade) with a sample of the water. If turbidity or precipitation results, repeat steps 8.1.8 and 8.1.10 until solution is clear.
8.2 Install a new test pump assembly on the test stand. Do not use a gasket sealer in assembling the pump.
8.3 Shake the test coolant well and fill the main system with approximately 14 L (14.5 qt). Engage the pump in a few momentary starts to allow trapped air to vent out the fill hole. Add 2 L (2 qt) oftest coolant to the expansion tank (see Section 5).
8.4 Start the test and adjust to the following conditions:
8.4.1 Pump speed to 4600 +/- 100 r/min. Speed may be measured by digital tachometer, optical tachometer, or any other method that gives the required accuracy.
8.4.2 Coolant temperature to 35 to 38 °C (95 to 100 °F).
8.4.3 System pressure to 103 +/- 3 kPa (15 +/- 0.5 psig).
8.4.4 Inlet pressure at pump to provide a gage reading of 6.8 kPa (2.0 in. Hg) vacuum by adjusting the throttling valve.
8.5 After test conditions in 8.4 are obtained, increase the coolant temperature to 113 +/- 1 °C (235 +/- 2 °F). Do not adjust the throttling valve from the position obtained in 8.4.4. Maintain the system pressure at 103 kPa (15 psig).
8.6 Operate the pump for 100 h.
8.6.1 The pump may be stopped for nightly equipment shutdown and to maintain liquid level.
8.6.2 No more than 1 L (1 qt) of coolant makeup solution may be added during the total duration of the test.
8.7 Remove the pump assembly, wash the pump, front cover, and impeller with clean water, and dry parts for visual observation.
9. Rating System
9.1 Rate the degree of corrosion and erosion-corrosion in accordance with the ratings described in Table 1.