ASTM D2782 Test Method for Measurement of Extreme-Pressure Properties of Lubricating Fluids (Timken Method)
8. Preparation of Apparatus
8.1 Clean the apparatus with (1) Stoddard solvent or White Spirit and (2) acetone and blow dry. (Warning - See Note 2 and Note 3.) Flush with approximately 1 L (1 qt) of the fluid to be tested. Discard the flushing fluid.

NOTE 4 - Precaution: Since acetone is highly flammable, use the minimum quantity.

8.2 Select a new test cup and block, wash with Stoddard solvent or White Spirit (Warning - See Note 3.) and dry with a clean soft cloth or paper. Immediately before use rinse the test cup and block with acetone and blow them dry. Do not use solvents such as carbon tetrachloride or others that may inherently possess load-carrying properties which may effect the results.

8.3 Assemble the tester carefully (Fig. 3), placing the test cup on the spindle and making certain that it is well seated, drawing it up firmly but avoiding possible distortion from excessive tightening (Note 5). Place the test block in the test block holder and adjust the levers so that all the knife edges are in proper alignment. Exercise special care in placing the stirrup of the spring-weight platform assembly (selection of which will depend on the loading device) in the groove of the load-lever arm to avoid premature shock to the test block when the load is applied. To ensure that the test block, test block holder, and lever arms are properly aligned and seated, coat the test block and test cup with the lubricant to be tested, and rotate the machine slowly for a few revolutions either by hand or by suitable control mechanism. When the parts are in alignment, the fluid will be wiped off the cup over its entire width.

NOTE 5 - At this point it is recommended that a dial indicator used to check the radial run-out of the cup in situ not exceed 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) total indicator movement.