ASTM D2709 for water and sediment in middle distillate fuels by centrifuge
8. Procedure
8.1 Temperature Control - After the sample container and its contents have equilibrated to laboratory temperature, between 70 to 90°F (21 to 32°C), agitate the full sample by hand or preferably by a mechanical shaker for 10 min to ensure homogeneity. ( Warning - Flammable).
8.2 As soon as possible, to prevent losing any water or sediment, fill the centrifuge tube to the 100-mL mark directly from the sample container. Stopper and place in a trunnion cup opposite another filled tube to establish a balanced condition, and whirl 10 min at a speed sufficient to produce a relative centrifugal force (rcf) of 800 +/- 60 at the tip of the whirling tubes. (For the relationship between diameter of swings, rcf, and rpm, see Table 1.) Record the combined water and sediment at the bottom of the tube to the nearest 0.005 mL.