ASTM D2638 Test Method for Real Density of Calcined Petroleum Coke by Helium Pycnometer
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A representative sample of calcined petroleum coke is dried and ground to pass a 75 µm (200-mesh) screen. The mass of the sample is determined directly and the volume derived by the volume of helium displaced when the sample is introduced into a helium pycnometer. The ratio of the mass of the sample to the volume is reported as the real density.

5. Significance and Use
5.1 The real density of calcined petroleum coke directly influences the physical and chemical properties of the manufactured carbon and graphite artifacts for which it is used. Density, therefore, is a major quality specification of calcined petroleum coke and is used as a control in coke calcination.

6. Interferences
6.1 Oil or other dedust material sprayed on calcined petroleum coke to control dust will interfere with the determination of real density so the oil must be removed before reducing the sample to 75 µm. Refer to Test Method D4930 for dedust oil removal.