ASTM D2625 Test Method for Endurance (Wear) Life and Load-Carrying Capacity of Solid Film Lubricants (Falex Pin and Vee Method)
12. Report
12.1 Procedure A:
12.1.1 Report the average of four tests on the endurance (wear) life procedure as the number in minutes.

12.2 Procedure B:
12.2.1 Report the load carrying capacity as the last gage load that sustained a 1-min load before failure.

12.3 Report the conditions of application and curing of the coatings.

13. Precision and Bias
13.1 Precision - Test data were obtained by Coordinating Research Council, Inc. (CRC), using the AISI 4130 steel vee blocks, and pins with Procedure A. Repeatability and reproducibility calculations are based on results from a total of 63 individual tests on one test sample, in which 11 laboratories operated a total of 14 machines. The average of all 63 test results was 73 min. These data show that the following criteria should be used for judging acceptability of results:
13.1.1 Repeatability - Duplicate results by the same operator should be considered suspect if they differ by more than 34 min.

13.1.2 Reproducibility - The results submitted by each of two laboratories should be considered suspect if the two results differ by more than 48 min.

NOTE 5 - The above precision statement is based on the Fourth CRC Cooperative Test, for which all the data are shown in Annex A1, Table A1.1. In addition, the data from the Second CRC Cooperative Test are shown in Table A1.2. This program was run on a different lubricant, under comparable conditions, and therefore was not put in the precision statement. A total of 108 tests was run on this sample, at a total of 14 laboratories. The average of all 108 tests was 77 min, with a repeatability of 39 min and a reproducibility of 43 min. The close agreement of these two programs lends considerable weight to the statements in 13.1.1 and 13.1.2.

13.2 Bias - Since there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias for the procedures in Test Method D2625, no statement on bias is being made.

14. Keywords
14.1 endurance; load; load gage; pin and vee; water-break; wear