ASTM D2619 Test Method for Hydrolytic Stability of Hydraulic Fluids (Beverage Bottle Method)
5. Apparatus
5.1 Air Oven, convection, adjusted to 93 +/- 0.5°C (200 +/- 1°F).

5.2 Pressure-Type Beverage Bottles, 200 mL (7-oz).

5.3 Capping Press, for bottles.

5.4 Rotating Mechanism, for holding bottles and rotating end over end at 5 rpm in oven.

5.5 Centrifuge, 1500 rpm.

5.6 Centrifuge Tubes, cone-shaped, 100-mL.

5.7 Filtration Assembly, stainless screen/glass, membrane type 47-mm diameter.

5.8 Typewriter Brush.

5.9 Separatory Funnel, 125-mL.

5.10 Microscope, for 20x magnification.

5.11 Balance, sensitive to 0.2 mg.

5.12 Caps, for sealing bottles.

5.13 Inert Seal, for cap gasket.

5.14 Membrane Type Filter, cellulosic, 5-µm porosity, 47-mm diameter.

6. Reagents and Materials
6.1 n-Heptane.

NOTE 3 - Warning: Flammable, harmful if inhaled, skin irritant on repeated contact, aspiration hazard; see A1.1.

6.2 Phenolphthalein, 1 % alcoholic solution.

6.3 Potassium Hydroxide (KOH), 0.1 N aqueous solution standardized to within 0.0005 N.

NOTE 4 - Warning: Caustic.

6.4 1,1,1-Trichloroethane.

NOTE 5 - Warning: Harmful if inhaled, high concentrations may cause unconsciousness or death; contact may cause skin irritations and dermatitis, may produce toxic vapors if burned, eye irritant; see A1.2.

6.5 Copper Strip (QQ-C-576A), 16-22 B and S gage, 13 by 51 mm.

6.6 Steel Wool, grade 1-medium fine.

6.7 Litmus Paper.