ASTM D2603 Test Method for Sonic Shear Stability of Polymer-Containing Oils
5. Apparatus
5.1 Sonic Shear Unit, fixed frequency oscillator and sonic horn.

5.2 Auxiliary Equipment - To facilitate uniform performance, the following auxiliary equipment is recommended:
5.2.1 Cooling Bath or Ice Bath - To maintain a desired temperature such as 0°C.

5.2.2 Griffin 50 mL Beaker, borosilicate glass.

5.2.3 Sonic-Insulated Box - To enclose the sonic horn to reduce the ambient noise level produced by the sonic shear unit.

5.3 Viscometer - Any viscometer and bath meeting the requirements of Test Method D445.

6. Reference Fluids
6.1 The primary reference fluid is ASTM Reference Fluid A, a petroleum oil containing a polymer capable of being broken down by turbulence at high rates of shear. This oil has the following typical properties:

6.2 A second reference fluid is ASTM Reference Fluid B, a petroleum oil containing a polymer capable of being broken down by turbulence at high rates of shear. This oil has a viscosity of about 13.6 mm2/s (cSt) at 40°C.