ASTM D2510 Standard Test Method for Adhesion of Solid Film Lubricants
9. Procedure A - For Resin-Bonded Coatings
9.1 Immerse the panels in a beaker of water to a depth of half the length of the panel for 24 h at room temperature. Take care to ensure that the panels are separated.

9.2 Remove panels and wipe dry with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth. Air dry the panels at 25 +/- 3°C (77 +/- 5°F) at a relative humidity between 45 and 55 % for 1 +/- 0.1 h.

9.3 Using the stylus, make two parallel scratches 25 mm (1 in.) apart on the panels (within 1 min after drying). Scratches shall be through the films (break through), parallel to long dimension of panel, and pass through both the water-immersed section and dry section.

9.4 Place a piece of masking tape lightly over the panel, perpendicular to the scratches, and press the tape down with two passes of the roller. The panel shall be resting on a hard surface and minimum pressure shall be exerted by the operator on the roller during the rolling operation. The tape shall be placed over both the immersed and dry sections.

9.5 Remove the tape with an abrupt motion.

9.6 Examine the test panel visually.

9.7 Report loss of adhesion of the film from the surface of the panel. Film removal exposing areas of the metal surface is indicative of poor adhesion characteristics.

9.8 Report the conditions of application and of curing the coating.

10. Procedure B - For Silicate or Phosphoric Acid-Bonded Coatings
10.1 Proceed in accordance with 9.3-9.8, omitting 9.1 and 9.2.

11. Procedure C - For All Coatings, Resistance to Fluids Other Than Water
11.1 Place 300 +/- 10 mL of each test fluid under consideration in a separate 600-mL Griffin beaker, and suspend a coated panel in each in such a manner that approximately one half of each panel is immersed. Permit the panels to remain in the test fluid at 74 +/- 2°F (23 +/- 1°C) for 24 +/- 0.25 h.

11.2 Remove the panels from the test fluid and allow them to drain for 1 +/- 0.1 h. Dip each panel in three separate rinses of a solvent, conforming to the requirements of 7.4, and permit them to air dry for at least 1 h.

11.3 Proceed in accordance with 9.3-9.8.

NOTE 3 - Procedure C is based on military requirements for resistance to fuels, solvents, lubricants, and hydraulic fluids which are readily removed by the solvent indicated in 7.4. If it is desired to apply it to chemical rocket propellants or other fluids immiscible with this solvent, or which are volatile enough to need no solvent, appropriate variations are required. These shall become part of the test report, as shall the identification of the fluids used.

12. Precision and Bias
12.1 Since the results of the test are only intended to give a pass/fail rating, no statement will be made about either the precision or the bias of this test method.

13. Keywords
13.1 adhesion; fluid resistance; solid film lubricant