ASTM D2509 test method for load-carrying capacity of lubricating grease
6. Apparatus and Materials
6.1 Timken Extreme Pressure Tester, described in detail in Annex A1 and illustrated in Fig. 2.
6.2 Sample Feed Devices, for supplying the test specimens with grease are described in Annex A1.
6.3 Loading Mechanism, for applying and removing the load mass (weight) without shock at the uniform rate 0.91 to 1.36 kg/s (2 to 3 lb/s). A detailed description is given in Annex A1.
6.4 Test Cups, of carburized steel, having a Rockwell Hardness C Scale Number of 58 to 62, or a Vickers Hardness Number of 653 to 746. The cups have a width of 13.06 more or less 0.05 mm (0.514 more or less 0.002 in.), a perimeter of 154.51 more or less 0.23 mm (6.083 more or less 0.009 in.), a diameter of 49.22 +0.025, -0.127 mm (1.938 +0.001, -0.005 in.), and a maximum radial run-out of 0.013 mm (0.0005 in.). The axial surface roughness should lie between 0.51 and 0.76 µm (20 and 30 µin.) C.L.A.
6.5 Test Blocks with test surfaces 12.32 more or less 0.10 mm (0.485 more or less 0.004 in.) wide and 19.05 more or less 0.41 mm (0.750 more or less 0.016 in.) long, of carburized steel, having a Rockwell Hardness C Scale Number of 58 to 62, or a Vickers Hardness Number of 653 to 746. Each block is supplied with four ground faces and the surface roughness should lie between 0.51 and 0.76 µm (20 and 30 µin.) C.L.A.
6.6 Microscope, low-power (50x to 60x), having sufficient clearance under objective to accommodate the test block. It should be fitted with a filar micrometer so that the scar width may be measured with an accuracy of more or less 0.05 mm (more or less 0.002 in.).
6.7 Timer, graduated in minutes and seconds.
7. Reagents
7.1 Acetone, reagent grade, minimum purity. (Warning - Extremely flammable. Vapors can cause flash fire.)
7.2 Stoddard Solvent, also known as Mineral Spirits, reagent grade. (Warning - Combustible. Vapor harmful.)
8. Preparation of Apparatus
8.1 Clean the apparatus with Stoddard solvent and acetone (see 7.1 and 7.2), and blow dry. Shield the sump outlet and disconnect the oil pump to eliminate wear on the unused pump. Replace the oil reservoir with the grease feed device.
8.2 Select a new test cup and block, wash with Stoddard solvent, and dry with a clean soft cloth or paper. Immediately before use rinse the test cup and block with acetone and blow them dry. Do not use solvents such as carbon tetrachloride or others that may inherently possess load-carrying properties which may affect the results.
8.3 Assemble the tester carefully (Fig. 3), placing the test cup on the spindle and making certain that it is well seated, drawing it up firmly but avoiding possible distortion from excessive tightening (Note 1). Place the test block in the test block holder and adjust the levers so that all the knife edges are in proper alignment. Exercise special care in placing the stirrup of the spring-weight platform assembly (selection of which will depend on the loading device) in the groove of the load-lever arm to avoid premature shock to the test block when the load is applied. To ensure the test block, test block holder, and lever arms are properly aligned and seated, coat the test block and test cup with the grease to be tested, and rotate the machine slowly for a few revolutions either by hand or by suitable control mechanism. If the parts are in alignment, the grease will be wiped off the cup over its entire width.
NOTE 1 - At this point it is recommended that a dial indicator be used to check that the radial run-out of the cup in situ does not exceed 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) total indicator movement.