6. Apparatus (see Fig. 1)
6.1 Test Jar, clear, cylindrical glass, flat bottom, 33.2 to 34.8-mm outside diameter and 115 and 125-mm height. The inside diameter of the jar may range from 30 to 32.4 mm within the constraint that the wall thickness be no greater than 1.6 mm. The jar should be marked with a line to indicate sample height 54 +/- 3 mm above the inside bottom.
6.2 Thermometers, having ranges shown below and conforming to the requirements as prescribed in Specification E 1 or Specifications for IP Standard Thermometers.

6.3 Cork, to fit the test jar, bored centrally for the test thermometer.
6.4 Jacket, metal or glass, watertight, cylindrical, flat bottom, about 115 mm in depth, with an inside diameter of 44.2 to 45.8 mm. It shall be supported free of excessive vibration and firmly in a vertical position in the cooling bath of 6.7 so that not more than 25 mm projects out of the cooling medium.
6.5 Disk, cork or felt, 6-mm thick to fit loosely inside the jacket.
6.6 Gasket, ring form, about 5 mm in thickness, to fit snugly around the outside of the test jar and loosely inside the jacket. The gasket may be made of rubber, leather, or other material that is elastic enough to cling to the test jar and hard enough to hold its shape. Its purpose is to prevent the test jar from touching the jacket.
6.7 Bath or Baths, maintained at prescribed temperatures with a firm support to hold the jacket vertical. The required bath temperatures may be maintained by refrigeration if available, otherwise by suitable freezing mixtures.
NOTE 2 - The mixtures commonly used for temperatures down to those shown are as follows:

7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Acetone - Technical grade acetone is suitable for the cooling bath, provided it does not leave a residue on drying. (Warning - Extremely flammable.)
7.2 Calcium Chloride - Commercial or technical grade calcium chloride is suitable.
7.3 Carbon Dioxide (Solid) or Dry Ice - A commercial grade of dry ice is suitable for use in the cooling bath.
7.4 Ethanol or Ethyl Alcohol - A commercial or technical grade of dry ethanol is suitable for the cooling bath. (Warning - Flammable. Denatured, cannot be made non-toxic.)
7.5 Methanol or Methyl Alcohol - A commercial or technical grade of dry methanol is suitable for the cooling bath. (Warning - Flammable. Vapor harmful.)
7.6 Petroleum Naphtha - A commercial or technical grade of petroleum naphtha is suitable for the cooling bath. (Warning - Combustible. Vapor harmful.)
7.7 Sodium Chloride Crystals - Commercial or technical grade sodium chloride is suitable.
7.8 Sodium Sulfate - A reagent grade of anhydrous sodium sulfate should be used when required (see Note 4).