ASTM D2420 Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Sulfide in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (Lead Acetate Method)
3. Summary of Test Method
3.1 Vaporized LPgas is passed over moist lead acetate paper under controlled conditions. Hydrogen sulfide reacts with lead acetate to form lead sulfide which produces a coloration on the paper varying from yellow to black, depending upon the amount of hydrogen sulfide present.

4. Significance and Use
4.1 Liquefied petroleum gases and their products of combustion must not be unduly corrosive to the materials with which they come in contact. The potential personnel exposure hazards of H2S also make the detection and measurement of hydrogen sulfide important, even in low concentrations. In addition, in some cases the odor of the gases shall not be objectionable. (See Specification D1835 and GPA 2140.)

5. Interferences
5.1 Methyl mercaptan, if present, produces a transitory yellow stain on the lead acetate paper that will fade completely in less than 5 min.

5.2 Other sulfur compounds present in liquefied petroleum gas do not interfere with the test.