ASTM D2392 Test Method for Color Of Dyed Aviation Gasolines
4. Apparatus
4.1 Color Comparator, split-field, for viewing simultaneously (by transmitted light) the sample to be tested and the combination of the reference liquid and the glass permanent-color standard.
4.2 Fluid Tubes, of glass, 200-mm viewing depth, with a fused-on plane bottom plate.
4.3 Plungers, Fluid Type, of polished optical glass.
4.4 Aviation Gasoline Color Standards - Permanentcolor glass disks.
5. Material
5.1 The reference liquid can be either distilled water or a sample of the gasoline to be tested before the addition of dye or lead alkyl fluid.
NOTE 1 - Warning: Gasoline is extremely flammable. See A1.1 and A1.2.