ASTM D2300 Test Method for Gassing of Electrical Insulating Liquids
ASTM D2300 Standard Test Method for Gassing of Electrical Insulating Liquids Under Electrical Stress and Ionization (Modified Pirelli Method)
7. Preparation of Apparatus
7.1 Clean the glass cell by first rinsing it inside and outside with a suitable hydrocarbon solvent such as heptane or other solvent suitable for the dielectric liquid test tested. Then fill the cell with the hydrocarbon solvent and scrub to remove waxy deposits from previous tests. Clean the tapered joint, taking care that none of the grease enters the cell. Again rinse with hydrocarbon solvent and blow dry with clean compressed air. Check the silver electrode and repair if necessary.
7.2 Clean the hollow electrode by blowing a suitable hydrocarbon solvent through the capillary tube with compressed air, rinsing the insulating liquid off the entire electrode with a suitable hydrocarbon solvent, such as heptane, and wiping off any waxy deposit with tissue paper. Polish the surface with a 2-propanol soaked towel. If there are visible marks on the stainless steel shaft of the electrode, they should be polished with a suitable device, such as a buffing wheel, wiping off the buffing compound carefully with tissue paper moistened with a suitable hydrocarbon solvent such as heptane.
7.3 Apply a light coat of low vapor pressure silicone grease to the stopcock (D) and the standard-taper joint (G) and assemble the glass cell and buret, but do not insert the electrode into the glass cell.
7.3.1 Caution: Do not allow silicone grease to contaminate the inside of the buret, gassing cell, electrode, or oil.
7.4 Fill the buret to the half-full mark with dibutyl phthalate.