ASTM D2001 Test Method for Depentanization of Gasoline and Naphthas
6. Preparation of Apparatus
6.1 Fill the fractionating column with packing as follows: Place about 25 mm (1 in.) of the Heli-Pak column packing, size C or the Cannon packing on the indentations at the bottom of the column. This packing assures ample free space to prevent flooding at the bottom of the column. Fill the column to within 25 mm (1 in.) of the top of the jacket with Heli-Pak column packing, size B. (The performance of this packing is not sensitive to the exact manner of pouring into the column.)
6.2 Assemble and connect the column, head, light-ends trap, and the receiver. Mount the assembly on a suitable support.
6.3 Insert the thermometer through the side-arm at the top of the column.
NOTE 1 - The calibration of the thermometer at the cut temperature should be checked by refluxing a pure compound. Such a calibration can show a need for a correction.
6.4 Immerse the receiver in a Dewar flask containing a mixture of solid carbon dioxide (Warning - Extremely cold.) in a suitable liquid. 1,1,2 Trichloro Ethene is recommended. (Warning - Health hazard.)
6.5 Circulate water, chilled to a temperature between 4 and 10°C (40 and 50°F), through the reflux condenser.