ASTM D1934 method for Oxidative Aging of Electrical Insulating Petroleum Oils
ASTM D1934 Standard Test Method for Oxidative Aging of Electrical Insulating Petroleum Oils by Open-Beaker Method
8. Procedure A - Aging Without a Metal Catalyst
8.1 Obtain the oil sample in accordance with Methods D923.
8.2 Adjust the oven temperature to 115 more or less 1°C.
8.3 Pour without preheating 300 mL of the test specimen to be tested into a clean dry 400-mL beaker. Oil depth in the beaker will be approximately 75 mm. Measure the mass of the oil before test.
8.4 Place the beaker containing the test specimen in the preheated oven. To minimize temperature fluctuation it is desirable to place all test specimens in the oven at the same time.
8.5 Start the oven shelf into rotation if the oven is so equipped.
8.6 Remove the test specimen from the oven at the end of the 96-h aging period and measure the mass of the oil.
8.7 Determine the condition of the aged test specimen by means of appropriate test methods. The condition of an unaged test specimen usually should also be determined at the same time for comparison.
9. Procedure B - Aging with a Metal Catalyst
9.1 Proceed exactly as in Procedure A (Section 8) except before placing the beaker in the oven add the metal catalyst to the oil specimen in the beaker, with the specified amount of surface exposed to the oil.
9.2 Measure the mass of the oil plus catalyst before and after the test.