ASTM D1934 method for Oxidative Aging of Electrical Insulating Petroleum Oils
ASTM D1934 Standard Test Method for Oxidative Aging of Electrical Insulating Petroleum Oils by Open-Beaker Method
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 A 300 mL volume of oil, contained in 400 mL beaker is aged for 96 h in a circulating-air oven controlled at 115°C, either with or without the presence of catalyst.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 Open-beaker oxidative aging methods have been used for many years in laboratories of oil companies, electrical equipment manufacturers, and electric utility companies interested in the stability of electrical insulating oils under oxidative conditions. They are particularly useful as a check on the continuity of production and shipment of insulating oils. They are also useful as process and product checks for applicable type oils.
5.2 Specification limits for oils subjected to open-beaker oxidative aging by this method are established by agreement between individual producers and consumers of applicable type oils. These properties of the oil involved in specification limits for aging stability may be measured after the oxidative aging (and sometimes before aging) by appropriate test methods such as Test Method D924, Test Method D1169, and Test Method D664.