ASTM D1882 Test Method for Effect of Cooling System Chemical Solutions on Organic Finishes for Automotive Vehicles
8. Report
8.1 The report shall include the following:
8.1.1 Product and concentration tested.
8.1.2 Coating systems employed.
8.1.3 Type and appearance of the effect obtained on the test panel, as described in Section 4.
8.1.4 Any change in surface effect brought about by use of a polishing agent and by sunlight.
9. Precision and Bias
9.1 Precision - It is not practicable to specify the precision of the procedure in this test method because the results are subjective observations.
9.2 Bias - There is no acceptable reference material suitable for determining the bias for the procedure in this test method.
10. Keywords
10.1 automotive vehicles; chemical; cooling system; finishes; paint; staining