ASTM D1816 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils
ASTM D1816 Standard Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin Using VDE Electrodes
10. Report
10.1 Include in the report the following:
10.1.1 The test method used,

10.1.2 The volts (rms value) at each breakdown, and the mean of all breakdowns reported to two significant digits,

10.1.3 The approximate temperature of the oil at the time of the test, and

10.1.4 The electrode spacing.

11. Precision and Bias
11.1 Single-Operator Precision - The single operator percent coefficient of variance of a single test result comprised of 5 breakdowns has been found for the 1 mm gap to be 14 % and for the 2 mm gap 11 %. Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests by the same operator on the same sample should not differ by more than 40 % and 30 % respectively. The maximum allowable range for the series of 5 breakdowns should not exceed 120 % for the 1 mm gap and 92 % for the 2 mm gap.

11.2 Multilaboratory Precision - The multilaboratory percent coefficient of variance has been found for the 1 mm gap to be 17 % and for the 2 mm gap 14 %. Therefore, two separate test results conducted by separate laboratories on the same sample of oil should not differ by more than 47 % of the mean of the two tests if the 1 mm gap was used or differs by more than 40 % of the mean of the two tests if the 2 mm gap was used. The precision statement for the 1 mm gap is temporary, because sufficient laboratories were not available and testing is planned to replace the precision statement before 2009.

11.3 Bias - No statement can be made about the bias of this test method because a standard reference material is not available.

12. Keywords
12.1 breakdown voltage; dielectric strength; insulating oils; test cell; VDE electrodes