ASTM D1740 Test Method for Luminometer Numbers of Aviation Turbine Fuels
6. Apparatus
6.1 ASTM-CRC Luminometer, shown schematically in Fig. 1, consisting of three main parts:
6.1.1 A small wick-type lamp in which the sample is burned,
6.1.2 An optical filter and photocell circuit which indicates the intensity of flame radiation in the range from 4800 to 7000 Å and
6.1.3 A system to measure the lamp temperature rise above ambient. Luminometers through serial No. 377 include a dual thermocouple circuit and potentiometer, while later instruments include a digital output unit.
6.2 Lamp Wicks - Standard ASTM smoke point lamp wicks are used in the ASTM-CRC luminometer lamp.
7. Reference Materials and Reagent
7.1 Isooctane (Warning - Extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled. Vapors may cause flash fire. See A1.1.) (2,2,4-trimethyl pentane) ASTM reference grade conforming to the following specifications:
7.2 Tetralin, (Warning - Combustible. Vapor harmful. In animal tests, repeated oral or inhalation exposures caused liver and kidney damage and the formation of eye cataracts. See A1.2.) conforming to the following specifications:
7.3 Acetone, cp. (Warning - Flammable. See A1.3.)
7.4 Toluene, reagent grade, (Warning - Flammable. See A1.4.)
7.5 Methanol, reagent grade, (Warning - Flammable. See A1.5.)