ASTM D1662 Standard Test Method for Active Sulfur in Cutting Oils
6. Apparatus
6.1 The apparatus shall be the same as that described in Test Method D129 in addition to the following:
6.2 Stirrer, constructed of glass in the form of an inverted T. A flat blade, approximate length 25 mm, height 6 mm, thickness 1 mm, shall be attached to a glass rod 6 mm in diameter, in such a way that the blade is symmetrical with the rod and has its flat surface in the vertical plane. Alternatively, a glass-coated magnetic stirring bar 9.5 by 34.9 mm more or less 2 mm (3/8 by 1 3/8 in.) can be used.
6.3 Stirring Apparatus - An electric motor capable of maintaining a speed of 500 more or less 25 rpm. Alternatively, when using the glass-coated stirring bar, a combination magnetic stirrer-hot plate is required.
6.4 Hot Plate, electric, or other convenient heat source capable of maintaining the sample at a temperature of 150 more or less 3°C (300 more or less 5°F).
6.5 Beaker, 200-mL, tall-form of heat-resistant glass, with a pour-out spout.
7. Materials
7.1 The materials shall be the same as described in Test Method D129 in addition to the following:
7.2 Copper Powder.