ASTM D1552 method for sulfur in petroleum products (High-temperature method)
3. Summary of Test Method
3.1 Iodate Detection System - The sample is burned in a stream of oxygen at a sufficiently high temperature to convert about 97 % of the sulfur to sulfur dioxide. A standardization factor is employed to obtain accurate results. The combustion products are passed into an absorber containing an acid solution of potassium iodide and starch indicator. A faint blue color is developed in the absorber solution by the addition of standard potassium iodate solution. As combustion proceeds, bleaching the blue color, more iodate is added. The amount of standard iodate consumed during the combustion is a measure of the sulfur content of the sample.
3.2 IR Detection System - The sample is weighed into a special ceramic boat which is then placed into a combustion furnace at 1371°C (2500°F) in an oxygen atmosphere. Most sulfur present is combusted to SO2 which is then measured with an infrared detector after moisture and dust are removed by traps. A microprocessor calculates the mass percent sulfur from the sample weight, the integrated detector signal and a predetermined calibration factor. Both the sample identification number and mass percent sulfur are then printed out. The calibration factor is determined using standards approximating the material to be analyzed.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 This test method provides a means of monitoring the sulfur level of various petroleum products and additives. This knowledge can be used to predict performance, handling, or processing properties. In some cases the presence of sulfur compounds is beneficial to the product and monitoring the depletion of sulfur can provide useful information. In other cases the presence of sulfur compounds is detrimental to the processing or use of the product.
5. Interferences
5.1 For the iodate systems, chlorine in concentrations less than 1 mass % does not interfere. The IR system can tolerate somewhat higher concentrations. Nitrogen when present in excess of 0.1 mass % may interfere with the iodate systems; the extent of such interference may be dependent on the type of nitrogen compound as well as the combustion conditions. Nitrogen does not interfere with the IR system. The alkali and alkaline earth metals, as well as zinc, phosphorus, and lead, do not interfere with either system.