ASTM D1481 Standard Test Method for Density and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Viscous Materials by Lipkin Bicapillary Pycnometer
8. Preparation of Apparatus
8.1 Thoroughly clean the pycnometer and side arm with hot chromic acid cleaning solution (Warning - See 7.4). Chromic acid solution is the most effective cleaning agent. However, surfactant cleaning fluids have also been used successfully. Rinse well with distilled water; and dry at 105 to 110°C for at least 1 h, preferably with a slow current of filtered air passing through the pycnometer. Cleaning shall be done in this manner whenever the pycnometer is to be calibrated or whenever liquid fails to drain cleanly from the walls of the pycnometer or its capillary. Ordinarily, the pycnometer may be cleaned between determinations by washing with a suitable solvent, such as isopentane or xylenes, and vacuum drying. If acetone is used as the wash liquid, the pycnometer should then be rinsed with isopentane or xylenes.
9. Calibration of Pycnometer
9.1 Weigh the clean, dry pycnometer (without the side arm) to the nearest 0.1 mg, and record the weight.
9.2 Fill the pycnometer with freshly boiled distilled water. This may be conveniently done by placing the pycnometer in the holder with the side arm dipping into a sample cup containing water. Allow the pycnometer to fill by siphoning. Break the siphon by removing the side arm when the liquid level in the bulb arm of the pycnometer reaches 6 on the scale.
9.3 Remove the side arm which was used to fill the pycnometer and remove excess liquid from the capillary tip by wiping with a small piece of absorbent paper.
9.4 Place the pycnometer in the holder in the constant-temperature bath at temperature t with the liquid level in the capillaries below the liquid level in the bath. When the liquid level has reached equilibrium (not less than 15 min), read the scale to the nearest 0.2 small division at the liquid level in each arm. After 5 min, read the liquid level again. If the sum of the scale readings in each reading differs by more than +/-0.04, repeat readings at 5-min intervals. When readings are constant, record.
9.5 Remove the pycnometer from the bath and allow it to come to room temperature. Rinse the outer surface with distilled water, with acetone, then with redistilled xylenes, and dry thoroughly with a chemically clean lint-free cloth, slightly damp with water. Allow to stand a few minutes, and then weigh to nearest 0.1 mg.
NOTE 2 - In atmospheres of low humidity (60 % or lower), drying the pycnometer by rubbing with dry cotton cloth will induce static charges equivalent to a loss of about 1 mg or more in the weight of the pycnometer. This charge may not be completely dissipated in less than 1/2 h and can be detected by touching the pycnometer to the wire hook on the balance and then drawing it away slowly. If the pycnometer exhibits an attraction for the wire hook, it may be considered to have a static charge.
9.6 Repeat the above, but break the siphon when water has reached the 3 mark in the bulb arm, and in the next experiment, at the 0 mark in the bulb arm. Obtain the apparent volume for each filling by dividing the weight of water held by the pycnometer in each experiment by the density of water at the calibration temperature t. Calibration shall be made at 20, 40, and 50°C. Prepare a calibration curve for 20°C by plotting the sum of the two scale readings versus the apparent volume at 20°C. If the curve is not a straight line, and future checks do not correct it, discard the pycnometer. The line shall not be more than 0.0002 mL/unit from any one determined point.
9.7 Corresponding calibration curves shall be made for 40 and 50°C. These calibration curves are checked using the following equation:

V2 = apparent volume at test temperature,
V1 = apparent volume at 20°C, and
c = cubical coefficient of expansion of borosilicate glass (9.9 x 10(-6)/°C).
The calculated and determined curves at 40 and 50°C should check to within +/-0.0002 mL/unit at all points. The calibration curves for higher temperatures shall be obtained by calculation.