ASTM D1264 test method for water washout characteristics of lubricating greases
8. Procedure
8.1 Pack the tared bearing with 4.00 more or less 0.05 g of test grease. Insert the bearing and tared shields into the housing, and assemble the unit in the test apparatus.

8.2 Add a minimum of 750 mL of preheated distilled water to the reservoir, but keep the water level below the bearing housing. Without starting the bearing, start the water circulating pump while diverting the water spray from the housing by means of a piece of tubing attached to the capillary discharge tube or with a deflecting metal shield until equilibrium temperature is attained. When the test is to be made at the higher temperature of 79 more or less 1.7°C (175 more or less 3°F), it will be necessary to heat the water to the specified temperature by a previously selected source of heat.

8.2.1 If the rig has one motor driving both pump and test bearing, remove the belt from the test bearing spindle pulley during water warm-up time.

8.3 When the water reaches the specified temperature, adjust the bypass valve to give a water-flow rate, through the rubber tubing and into a glass graduate, of 5 more or less 0.5 mL/s (Note 2). Remove the rubber tubing from the capillary discharge tube, and adjust the water jet so that it impinges on the end plate 6 mm (1/4 in.) above the outer opening of the bearing housing. Start the bearing.

NOTE 2 - Sufficient experience should be obtained with a particular tester to make sure that the water-flow rate can be maintained within the specified limits for a 60 more or less 1 min test run.

8.4 With the bearing operating at a speed of 600 more or less 30 rpm, continue the operation for 60 more or less 1 min.

8.5 Shut off the motor and heating source, if used. Remove the test bearing and shields and place them on a tared watch glass, with the shields being separated from the bearing and placed with their inner faces upward to expose the wet grease to the air.

8.6 Dry the bearing and shields for 15 more or less 0.25 h at 77 more or less 6°C (170 more or less 10°F), and then weigh to determine the grease loss (Note 3). The grease remaining on the shields, and any leakage occurring during the drying period, should not be considered as grease lost. Duplicate tests shall be run.

NOTE 3 - Some weight loss may be experienced for greases containing highly volatile oils because of evaporation during drying.

NOTE 4 - Some greases may contain components which make it difficult to completely dry the sample at 77 more or less 6°C (170 more or less 10°F). For those greases, the drying temperature may be increased to 93 more or less 3°C (200 more or less 5°F) to facilitate removal of water during the time specified.