ASTM D1263 for leakage tendencies of automotive wheel bearing greases
6. Apparatus
6.1 The apparatus shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 has been found suitable and is described in detail in Annex A1. The tester consists of a special front wheel hub and spindle assembly, the hub being rotated by an electric motor through a V-belt drive. The assembly is encased in a thermostatically controlled air bath. Means of measuring both ambient (cabinet) and spindle temperatures are provided. A torque wrench, suitable for use on 31.75-mm (1 1/4-in.) hexagonal nuts, is also required.

6.2 The apparatus (spindle, case, and motor) must be electrically grounded, otherwise the thermocouples will not function due to accumulated static charges. Provision is made for this, as shown in Fig. 2.

6.3 Machines furnished with 660-W heaters have been found suitable, and these will usually provide the proper heat input to attain the temperatures in the specified time intervals. However, if it is found that proper balance cannot be obtained, heaters of the required wattage can be substituted.

7. Test Bearings
7.1 The inner bearing (tapered roller) is Timken 15118. The corresponding cup is No. 15250. The smaller, outer bearing, is Timken 09074, with corresponding cup No. 09196.

8. Reagent
8.1 ASTM n-Heptane - 99.87 % purity SRM 1815.

NOTE 2 - Warning: Flammable. Harmful if inhaled.