ASTM D1217 for Density and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Liquids
ASTM D1217 Standard Test Method for Density and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Liquids by Bingham Pycnometer
8. Preparation of Apparatus
8.1 Thoroughly clean the pycnometer with hot chromic acid cleaning solution by means of the assembly shown in Fig. 4 (Warning - See Note 3). Chromic acid solution is the most effective cleaning agent. However, surfactant cleaning fluids have also been used successfully. Mount the apparatus firmly and connect the trap to the vacuum. Warm the necessary amount of cleaning acid in the beaker, place the pycnometer on the ground joint, and evacuate by opening the stopcock to vacuum. Fill the pycnometer with acid by turning the stopcock, repeat several times or remove the filled pycnometer, and allow it to stand for several hours at 50 to 60°C. Remove the acid from the pycnometer by evacuation, empty the acid from the trap, and flush the pycnometer with water. Cleaning should be made in this manner whenever the pycnometer is to be calibrated or whenever liquid fails to drain cleanly from the walls of the pycnometer or its capillary. Ordinarily, the pycnometer may be cleaned between determinations by washing with a suitable solvent, rinsing with pure, dry acetone, followed by isopentane, and vacuum drying.
8.2 Transfer the pycnometer to the cleaner assembly shown in Fig. 3, with vacuum line and trap attached to the side tube as indicated. Place the pycnometer on the cleaner with the upper hypodermic needle extending upward into the pycnometer, and press the edge of the ground joint on the rubber stopper until the vacuum holds it in place. Draw out all the liquid or sample. Immerse the lower end of the hypodermic tube in a suitable solvent and draw 20 to 25 mL through the pycnometer. Leaving the pycnometer in place, draw air through it until it is dry. Clean the hypodermic syringe with the same apparatus.
9. Calibration of Pycnometer
9.1 Proceeding as directed in Section 10, determine the weight of freshly-boiled and cooled distilled water (distilled from alkaline permanganate through a tin condenser) held by the pycnometer when equilibrated to volume at the bath temperature to be used in the determination. Repeat until at least three values agree to more or less 0.2 mg.