ASTM D1160 for distillation of petroleum products at reduced pressure
ASTM D1160 standard test method for distillation of petroleum products at reduced pressure
8. Sample and Sampling Requirements
8.1 Sampling shall be done in accordance with Practices D4057 or D4177. It is assumed that a 4- to 8-L sample, representative of a shipment or of a plant operation, is received by the laboratory and that this sample is to be used for a series of tests and analyses. An aliquot portion slightly in excess of 200 mL will be required for this test method.
8.2 The aliquot used for this test shall be moisture-free. If there is evidence of moisture (drops on the vessel wall, a liquid layer on the bottom of the container, etc.) use the procedure given in Annex A6, paragraph A6.1, to dehydrate a sufficient quantity of sample to provide the 200-mL charge to the distillation flask.
8.3 Determine the density of the oil sample at the temperature of the receiver by means of a hydrometer by Practice D1298, by means of a digital density meter by Test Method D4052, and by using either the mathematical subroutines or tables of Guide D1250, or a combination thereof.
8.4 If the sample is not to be tested immediately upon receipt, store at ambient temperature or below. If the sample is received in a plastic container, it shall be transferred to a container made out of glass or of metal prior to storage.
8.5 The sample shall be completely liquid before charging. If crystals are visible, the sample shall be heated to a temperature that permits the crystals to dissolve. The sample must then be stirred vigorously for 5 to 15 min, depending on the sample size, viscosity, and other factors, to ensure uniformity. If solids are still visible above 70°C, these particles are probably inorganic in nature and not part of the distillable portion of the sample. Remove most of these solids by filtering or decanting the sample.
8.5.1 There are several substances, such as visbroken residues and high melting point waxes, that will not be completely fluid at 70°C. These solids and semi-solids should not be removed since they are part of the hydrocarbon feed.
9. Preparation, Calibration, and Quantification of Apparatus 9.1 Calibrate the temperature sensors and associated signal conditioning and processing device as a unit in accordance with Annex A1.
9.2 Check the operation of the pressure regulating system as described in Annex A4.
9.3 Clean and dry the glass parts and relubricate the joints. Silicone high-vacuum grease can be used but no more than is necessary to give a uniform film on the ground glass surfaces. An excess of grease can cause leaks and can contribute to foaming at startup.
9.4 Assemble the empty apparatus and conduct a leak test as described in A3.3.2.
9.5 Check the total apparatus using either of the two reagents described in 7.1 and 7.2 and in accordance with Annex A5.